Kuldeep yadav and Ravindra Jadeja

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Kuldeep the baby of the group and jad the funny guy of the group.

They both were so different from eachother but still share a very good bod always show care towards eachother kuldeep jad is like a whole ball of mischievous and kuldeep is so cute and ball of cuteness.

The team's atmosphere always live lively because of jad they both are different but they don't know that their team ship them well everyone knows kuldeep have crush on jad from the day he have entered in Indian cricket team he don't know about jad's feeling.

Jad Don't know about this at all he is happy in his own bubble he although have some idea about it but he didn't thought much about it .

Jad was with hardik talking about something and kuldeep was with chahal he was staring at jad who was so much engrossed in talk that he forget about his surroundings he felt a bit jealous seeing that he wants to have this moment with him .

Virat came their and went to yuzi and kuldeep,

Virat :- what happened kul why you are looking at him like this

Kuldeep looked at him looking sad and said .

Kuldeep:- bhai I can't stop myself from falling for him look how happy he is I wants be the reason of his happiness and he is looking so cute look how cheerfully he is telling something to Harry bhai .

Virat sighned at this lovebirds,

Virat :- kul you have to tell him about your feelings baccha you can't hide it from him just because of you are afraid of the rejection.

Yuzi :- bhai you were also so much nervous when you got to know that Rohit Bhai have feelings for you ,you literally was so happy that was about to fall from balcony hereing the proposal.

Virat looked down in embarrassment they talked for sometime and went to their room .

Jad was going towards the dinning area for dinner when he saw kuldeep also coming towards the lift so he stood for him waiting for him he greet him happily when kuldeep came to him with a big smile.

Kuldeep also greet him back and they entered in lift their was some girls getting so close with jad and kuldeep didn't it unknown to him he put his hands on jad's waist pulling him closer to himself jad was kind of shocked with his this action and got all shy .

His cheeks turned red and he was feeling like he will die it was just to much for one day he never thought kuldeep will do something like this .

After the lift opend they came out of it walking towards the dinning area ,

Kuldeep:- bhai will you join me for ice cream after dinner.

Jad finding no harm in that nod his said and small excited smile came on his face .

They reached the dinning area and had their dinner with team talking and laughing about something.

Soon they ended their dinner and as kuldeep said he and jad went to have ice cream they were walking on street jad was talking and kuldeep was listening he was feeling very happy that finally he got to spend time with jad alone as they were alone .

Jad :- kul which flavour you like .

He asked and kuldeep smirked,

Kuldeep:- strawberry

And you ,

Jad :- butterscotch.

He said unknown to him that kuldeep was talking about something else's flavour and he didn't notice that the way kul answered him .

Kuldeep:- ohh you are talking about ice cream.

Jad :- ya what you thought.

Kuldeep:- nothing let's go the shop came .

They went inside and kuldeep bought ice cream for both of them and jad had three ice cream in his hand one he was eating and two for later the way he was licking his ice cream was making kuldeep hard .

They sat on a bench under a tree for eating the street was silent not even a dog was their .

Kuldeep can't handle his heart decided to talk to jad about his feelings.

Kuldeep:- jad listen.

Jad looked at him it was first time he heard kul saying his name hjs told kuldeep to speak kuldeep got up from the bench and sat near jad's legs and held his one hand .

Kuldeep:- look i have feelings for you and it's not from now but from long time when I first saw you in corridor running while laughing and Ash bhai chasing you i felt a strange feeling inside me and from that day i developed feeling for you ,you are so cute and also perfect i never thought that i will fall for you this much deeply but your eyes always make me drone in them .

Jad was taken a back he don't know what to answer but after a long time he said ,

Jad :- kul maybe I feel something for you i really don't know about my feelings but I have always felt like you are more then just brother or friend but i need to figure it out so please give me time and help me to figure out my feelings for you .

Kuldeep:- I am not presurring you to answer just now take you time .

And they both walked towards the hotel with small happiness and their heart beating in very hight speed kuldeep told rohit that he wants to share room with jad and he agreed.

They both usually hang out with eachother and adore eachother well kuldeep was wipped for jad .

In morning jad woke up and saw kuldeep sleeping peacefully he looked at him his eyes was closed and face was unknowingly very calm and kissed his cheeks and got red he was going to get down from bed but kuldeep held his hand and made him lay on bed hovring him jad was looking so small under him .

Kuldeep:- best morning of my life if you woke me up like this everyday then I don't have problem faking my sleep.

Jad :- you were not sleeping.

Kuldeep:- nope I was waiting for you to wake up and wake me up i love when you call me with your sweet mouth.

Jad blushed hearing that and kuldeep kissed his nose  and kissed his cheeks .

The morning breakfast went with whole team teasing had about why he is so red he blushed even hard.

He realised his feelings for kuldeep that he also love him and so he decided to confess he decorated the whole room and closed whole light.

When kuldeep came he found the whole room dark so he switched on the light and saw the decoration jad came and hugged him from back .

Jad:- why you came late usually you always come early.

Kuldeep turned towards him

Kuldeep:- sorry i was a bit busy .

Jad said okey,

Jad :- I am sorry kul i took too much time but I realised my feelings i love you so much .

Kuldeep:- i love you too Jann .

They cutted cake that jad bought and then opend the gift that jad have him and saw beautiful watch.

He kissed jad's nose and pulled him closer in a soft lips kiss .

And they become boyfriend.

(Please ignore my grammatical mistakes)

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