Rohit Virat and rahul.

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So this story is inspired by one of my favourite fanfiction story my heart his soul this book and she recently write a chapter name you me and him and i took inspiration from that and the writer is @ user


Virat and Rohit both were in a secret relationship and don't want their team to know.although Virat don't like it but he never complained about it and he respect Rohit's decision and Virat always support him too virat's love for rohit is never ending universe.

He love him so much that he can do anything for him .

One day rohit wants to discuss something with rahul about their match so after the practice end he went to Rahul's room.

They talked about whatever they want to talk and then decided that they will watch a movie that movie was about a girl truly loving a boy.

That movie was a really romantic movie and Rahul asked rohit why someone can love a person so much ,

Rohit replied,
Because it's love ,if we genuinely care for someone we want their happiness above our we love them so much we can't help it it just happens and no one can stop it no one .

He explained it to Rahul and suddenly Rahul had the urge of kissing rohit and he did he kissed him rohit didn't give in and after kissing Rahul back away and looked at rohit and said sorry rohit told him to forget about this .

He explained it to Rahul saying how a much person can love a person if he truly live him and how much it's important for them to understand it .

After that suddenly Rahul kissed rohit and after backing away he said sorry to Rohit Rohit told him to forget this .
After that night rohit started to ignore Virat mostly spend time with kids jassi subhman and ishan.

At night after dinner when Rohit entered the room Virat jumped on him and put his hands on rohit's neck looking lovingly at his eyes ,his eyes showing pure love for rohit.

Virat said ,
"What I did to get this much busy boyfriend ".

He said giggling,
But rohit didn't answer then after good two minutes he said,

"Rahul kissed me on lips ",

Virat took a step back shocked and he looked at rohit with disbelief,

He said,
"Did you give in "

"No ofcourse not "

Virat didn't said anything rohit started to come close to him Virat took step back and said,

"Give me sometime it's so much for me ".

He left the room and Rohit just looked at virat ,

Rohit's thoughts,

I am sorry vi i know i hurt you but their is something that is attracting me towards Rahul i really love you but I don't know why I want Rahul in your place i don't want this i only want you Virat but i can't help when he kissed me  I like it i really like it i can't help.

He left to go to other members room but he meet Rahul in corridor and Rahul confessed his love to Rohit but virat came and told him that Rohit can't come in a relationship Rahul asked why he said he is already in a relationship.

This word kind of hurt Rahul and Rohit both Rahul looked at him and then asked who is that person,Virat told him everything that he and Rohit are in a secret relationship and .

Just then they heard ishan subhman and jassi fighting so they went their and asked what happened they told him they they were playing that who knows rohit best and jassi got one minus point so he started to shout on them .

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