comfort in your arms (Rohitrat)

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India won the t-20 wors cup after 28 years everyone was so happy dancing around and ran towards the ground everyone jumped on eachother hugging eachother taking eachother in arms making whole india proud on them was a big thing.

Rohit hugged all members but virat was away looking at him feeling so proud on him rohit came to him and hugged him and buried his face in his neck cried on his shoulder.

Only he knew how much happy he is right now his feelings were so over stimulate his body was shaking he was proud on his team for taking this match on their side with a tough situation still they made it .

Hardik ,arshdeep ,axer,jassi took wickets and gave support to team ,

Virat and axer gave india their kuch needed runs and then Shivam and hardik handle it very nicely virat's 76 was incredible he was so happy for his love .

They are in relationship but no one knows whol india was seeing this every seniors were present in stadium (it's just for story) they all were looking at rohitrat how tightly they were hugging eachother Letting their feelings out finally.

Virat kissed Rohit's forehead their whole moment was on big screen rohit picked Virat up and Swing him around Virat held his shoulder tightly shutting his eyes close and telling him to drop him down .

When he did they again hugged eachother find comfort in eachother's arms .

Rohit:- I love you vi .

Virat :- I love you too ro .

He wipped tears from Rohit's eyes and kissed his forehead he cupped his face ,

Virat :- I am proud of you rohit for great captaincy you did very well ro you made whole india proud on you ,you are best ro .

Rohit held his hands and said ,

Rohit:- without you this is impossible you are my biggest strength and strong piller of team always stood for team and make sure we are okey without you this was like impossible vi i am very proud of you too you are our king .

Virat :- ro without your support i would never be able to do this you stood their when I was not scoring runs still you showed your trust on me and let me play although it was very risky that shows how great captain you are although whole india doubt me that if would make runs in final or not but you never let me feel alone and stood their for me .

They stare at eachother's eyes seeing only love for eachother they are in eachother's arms comforting eachother.

Rohit get close to virat without thinking about people in stadium their seniors and juniors and camera he did what his heart wants to do he kissed virat's eyes then his cheeks and then finally his lips .

Virat let him do that knowing they needs this thir heart beat is so fast because of the win whole stadium was only looking at them they have never thought about rohitrat being couple.

Rohit kissed his with pure love and respect towards him Virat returned it with as much gratitude he have for ro and his understanding and love .

When they pulled away rohit pulled him near his chest as virat was an about to get away from his virat was whole red like tomato.

Virat's head hit his chest he hugged him by his waist and virat returned it with keeping his head on his chest .

They closed their eyes feeling eachother's warmth and comfort.

Rohit:- you are my comfort vi.

Virat :- and you are mine my love .

As they parted away rohit kneeled down infront of Virat and take out a beautiful box of rings their was two rings one for Virat and one for himself.

He took virat's ring in his hand and said ,

Rohit:- virat the king kholi will you give me chance to grow old with you will you marry me .

Virat felt so emotional and finally tears came out ,

Virat :- yes .

He said and Rohit slide ring in his finger same virat did and whole sky filled with colours .

They saw crowd cheering for them and they felt so touched.

After taking trophy they celebrated Virat and Rohit were stealing glance towards eachother feeling so loved by eachother.

After that they had party and after party everyone went to their room and got fresh up so virat and Rohit too .

They were sitting on bed Rohit's head on virat's lap ,

He hugged him by his belly ,

Rohit :- I am so happy vi finally the whole world knows about us and we won the world cup .

Virat :- yes ro me too I am so happy too we don't have to hide over relationship now .and we won because we have best captain.

He said and Rohit looked up Virat bent down and peaked his lips rohit let him do that ..
They stayed like that in eachother's arms they decided to go for a walk and they went.

They came near a temple and got Inside and prayed to god .

After that went back to hotel and Rohit held trophy in his hands Virat as sitting beside him ,

Virat:- I know ro how you are feeling trust me this feeling is most beautiful feeling in world finally you have what you want and for what you gave your 200% ro .

Rohit pulled him towards himself,

Rohit:- yes I have you and my team vi and i trust you all that's why we won because we have best team .

They stayed like that next day their was a big party hosted by BCCI and everyone came their congratulating everyone feeling so happy but rohit was not able to see his love .

He went to balcony and saw him he back hugged him and asked why he is here Virat said ,

Virat :- to you are enough to make me happy I don't want this high figh party .

Rohit:- thank you love i love you .

Virat :- I love you too .

They hugged eachother and stood like that they find comfort in eachother's arms .

(Please ignore my grammatical mistakes)

Guys finally india won the trophy for which we waited alot.

T-20 world cup 2024 is our it's India's.

Congratulation to all of you and always support our Indian team .

Hope you all like it 🥰 😍.

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