bond between gill siblings part-2

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As shahneel scold him subhman pouted and looked at his sister who was eating her breakfast she was eating sandwich so he looked at her with puppy eyes..

She understands that he wanted to eat sandwich so she forward her hands towards his mouth and said,

Shahneel:- only one bite ..

Subhman shake his head as yes aggressively and took a bite but his head started to spin and he touched his forward shahneel get the idea that's subhman is not okey so she said,

Shahneel:- subhi are you okey baccha..

Subhman:- my head is spinning di it's hurting like hell di ...

He said and looked at her with puppy eyes she said,

Shahneel:- okey baccha we will go to see doctor now ...

Subhman said no but shahneel didn't said anything and grab his hand and took him to hospital...

On other hand virat was shocked after hearing his kid having fever and he didn't even told him that he have fever and then he suddenly called shahneel here he felt bad and said,

Virat:- Ro did subhi told you that he is not feeling well or having fever...

Rohit was also worried and he felt bad too after the match incident he didn't talked with subhman properly and also scold the poor kid he replied,

Rohit:- no Virat he didn't told me anything...

Their couch :- he told me that he was not feeling well the day rohit got out and tomorrow also but I thought it's not big deal ...

Virat:- why you didn't tell us that ...

Their couch:- i thought it's not important as he himself didn't told you so ....

Hardik:- bhai how he will tell you when both of you were busy and didn't even spare glance at subhi i tried to ask him but I was also busy so didn't got time for that but i noticed one thing his eyes was saying that when he was facing hate he needs someone that time and both of you shouted on that boy he is still a youngster he needs your support but both of you were not available he was not looking good from some days still you didn't notice this thing in him it kind of shocked me too  bhai you know na subhi is not someone who will openly talk about anything you have to be with him then he will open up but what we did was leave that poor baby alone when he needs us the most ...
I know now you guys have a new kid to you but please don't make him feel like he is not important to both of you now ...

Virat and Rohit both hand their head low as hardik notice this about subhman but they didn't.....

Jaddu and others were also sad hearing their little subhi is not good and he need someone that time they all ignored him ....

Everyone thought of apologizing to him and they will do this when he will come .

After 2 hours subhman came and directly went to his room changed his clothes and went to sleep shahneel also went with his brother...

And made him took his medicine subhman was feeling like dying because of pain ...

Shahneel went to her room to change and when she was going towards subhman's room the whole ict greet her at corridor ..

Shahneel also greet them back and then Virat said,

Virat:- how is subhman now what did doctor said he is okey na ....

Shahneel:- he is okey just have fever and headache due to souch stress of match ..

Rohit:- shahneel did he told you anything about this past days ...

Shahneel:- no bhai he didn't he just said that he is not feeling well and he is missing me and i understand it maybe he was feeling lonely here that's why..

Virat felt a pang in his heart after hearing this he didn't said anything but went inside subhman's room with shahneel and Rohit ,
Rohit told the team to go and have rest ..
They all disagree but when Rohit said sternly they agreed...

Shahneel sit beside subhman who sensed her presence even in sleep..

Hugged her waist as she was sitting beside him in bed ,,

She creased his hairs and subhman lean in her touch feel comfortable ..

After 3 hours of sleep he got up and saw her sister sleeping while sitting on bed and Rohit virat sleeping on couch rohit hugging virat tightly so that he won't fall ..

He was about to get up but virat felt someone's eyes in him and got up he freed himself from Rohit's hug and give subhman a glass of water and asked how he is feeling..

First subhman tugged his sister securely in bed and then answered,

Subhman :- I am feeling better now ..

Rohit also wake up because he didn't feel virat ,

He looked at subhman and said,

Rohit:- subhi we are sorry baccha..

Subhman:- it's okey Bhai I understand..

Virat:- subhi baccha you know na you are always first then anyone else you are my baby right I love you baccha ..

He kissed on subhman's forehead subhman smiled...

He hugged both virat and Rohit and said they should go outside he don't want to disturb his sister's sleep as she didn't had proper sleep...

(Please ignore my grammatical mistakes)

And how i write subhman's behaviour here it's exactly my brother's behaviour when he gets sick and as I am elder sister i took care of him that's why I wrote this fanfiction like this ..

Hope you all like it 🥰😍

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