Rohit and Virat (love or lust part-3)

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Next morning when Virat woke up feeling felt so much pain in his lower area and back rohit was still sleeping virat got up from bed and noticed blood on his thighs and he touched that blood he was sitting on bed he tried to get up but his body wa hurting so much he hissed in pain .

He again tried to get up but fell somehow he managed to get up with his body hurting he went to Washroom and cleaned himself and got dressed up.

He was some how trying to walk and taking support of wall on other hand when Rohit woke up he didn't saw virat with him he got up and went to kitchen and saw virat making breakfast he went to bedroom got fresh up and then again went to kitchen and made virat sat on kitchen counter and started to make breakfast.

Virat didn't said anything knowing that would be waste of time as Rohit will not listen to him .

They ate their breakfast in silent and then rohit picked Virat up in his arms and took him to his bedroom and tucked him in bed and made him sleep.

Virat hugged him and slept and Rohit Started to remember their past incidents.


Team india was playing practice match and Virat was talking with one of the staff he saw how happy he look his smile and suddenly a hint of anger rose in him .

He just want to burn that staff he didn't liked virat giving attention to anyone else.

After virat went from their rohit went to that staff and threatened him saying,

"If I find you near him again then you will regret for your life time going near Virat stay away from him ".

Staff was scread and he ran from their for the sake of his life .

Another one when they went to club and virat was on dance floor it was when they didn't got married.

He was dancing with jaddu and Manish that time rohit was not close with Manish he didn't liked the way virat was getting so close to Manish and at last he lost his patience and grabbed virat's hand and took him back to hotel and fucked the hell out of him .

Virat was so shocked his whole body was badly being fucked he liked it but virat was never a person of rough sex so he kind of was uncomfortable and that Rohit didn't comfort him he was hell angry and jealous that he didn't heard anything.

That time the whole floor of hotel where they were staying was hearing screaming of the greatest king kholi who was begging for rohit to slow down but Hitman the ruler of Virat was not listening to him and fucking him in upmost  speed .

Next day when he woke up he took Virat to doctor and the doctor told them to not get intimate for next week as Virat needs rest Virat was hell angry on him .

So he took Virat to his favorites restaurant and they had their breakfast their and then he took Virat to his apartment and took care of him and pampered hum .

Another indecent was when Virat was playing match against Australia and he saw how close Virat is with Warner and he cut his palm so that Virat could focus on him and not in Warner although he scold him but he love virat's scolding.

One time he actually beat the hel out of a boy who tried to get near Virat with bad incident.

Flashback end

While thinking about this he didn't realised when he fell asleep hugging Virat so tightly like his life depends on him .

Virat also hugged him virat was so close to him he packed virat's lips and then his forehead.

Rohit:- what you have done to me vi i don't know how will live without you when you will go back to your family.

He said and slept hugging him their wives came before the actual date and saw rohit and virat cuddling and sleeping together.

But one more thing they noticed was virat's body which had so many marks on them .

Not understanding anything they woke their husbands up a d asked about it and Rohit without thinking anything told them everything without any hesitation and also told them that he loves virat so much .

Virat was standing in shock not knowing what to do he never thought Rohit's lust will turn in to love Anushka after hearing this was hell angry and told Virat that they are divorcing even ritika did same .

And in just two days they got divorce,

Virat was so confused he don't know what to do his heart is telling him to accept Rohit but his mind can't do that he remembered how badly he loved rohit but seeing him with Ritika hurted him .

And he thought of keeping his feelings to himself and not revil it to anyone.not even rohit and now suddenly rohit have feelings for him he don't know what to do .

Rohit came in his house and saw virat who was only wearing a a red shirt which was barly covering his thighs.

He went to him and back hugged him ,

Rohit:- why so beautiful vi .

Virat freed himself and went to bedroom and didn't said anything rohit was confused,
He went towards him and ,

Virat :- ro why you chose me over ritika when you actually loved her so much .

Rohit:- because my actual happiness is standing here looking so beautiful and as usual overthinking baby i didn't understand my feelings that time but I love you so much vi .

Virat:- you will never leave me na .

Rohit:- nope Jann never.

He said and kissed virat's forehead then lips they made love and then hugged eachother.

They were so deeply in love that the night wore a shade of blush on it because of their love which was glowing like a blooming flower.

The end ...

Hope you all like it 🥰 😍.

Sorry for not updating yesterday i went to see doctor that's why I was not able to update.

(Please ignore my grammatical mistakes)

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