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Rohit and Virat both were sharing a house together they both don't have anything to do so they were just enjoying their days with eachother looking for what life brings for them although Virat was a cheerful personality but he was getting moody day by day and Rohit was getting targeted as Virat being moody means all tantrums were thrown on ro and without a word he have listen everything poor ro get scolding after every one or two hours virat's emotions were disbalnced for a second rohit thought that his bestfriend got periods but when he remembered virat is a boy and that is not possible he thank the god because if he spoke this aloud sure Virat will throw h our of the house.

Virat was in kitchen cooking food for them and as usual our ro was sleeping Virat got tired and sat on kitchen counter and started to think about how much he is behaving bratty from some days but what he could do he was feeling so tired and moody all of sudden and he don't know why .

Just then the door bell rang and Virat went to open the door and saw subhman,Rahul,ishan and hardik standing their he hugged them and let them in after they just settled on couch the door rang again and virat went to open it again and then their was bhuvi ,jassi,yuzi and kuldeep he let them in and hugged them .

Bhuvi asked him how he is he said he is okey and just from some days he is feeling really irritated.

And they all started to talk subhman said he is feeling sleepy and Virat told him he can sleep in their room subhman went to their room .

As this plan was sudden play that yuzi bhai and hardik Bhai made this morning they called them around 6 and today them that they all are going to Virat and rohit's shared apartment so they should also come and although they agreed but they didn't got sleep as both of them were having their streamy intimate seation whole night.

Hardik and ishan asked about Rohit and Virat told him he is in room and so they went to him while jassi also followed them leaving Virat ,Rahul , kuldeep and bhuvi together.

As yuzi went to Rohit they all woke rohit up and told him that they want to have some talk with him about their days and how things are ongoing.

Rohit agreed as he was in bad mood although he got his sleep fully but in morning he had fight with Virat so he asked kind of sad with it .

Virat being caring like always no matter how much angry he is he prepared breakfast did whole house chores and he just went to kitchen to make lunch just then ict came .

Bhuvi decided to help virat and so rahul and kuldeep they all decided that they will make something veg for everyone although they all eat non veg but for now they will eat veg and at night they will eat something nonveg .

They decided that they will make vegetables fried rice,Curry, matter panner ,and Dal makhani and Parathe and also roti and for something sweet mung dal ka halwa.

That's it they started to make it Virat already prepared for halwa and dal makhani so ghj have to make others preparation then start cooking.

On other hand subhman was sleeping and ishan was being energetic ball he was playing Ludo with hardik Bhai ,rohit Bhai ,and jassi Bhai .

Yuzi bhai was recording them after two hours everything was almost done with the help of others virat told bhuvi ,Rahul and kuldeep to get fresh up as they all became sweaty and he will make roti with himself and then he will cut salad .

They agreed Rahul checked on Harry who was was with Rohit Bhai he went to him and asked bhuvi and kuldeep also joined and harry gavea bright smile to Rahul .

Rahul kissed him on his lips more like peak and then sat with them for sometime.

Kuldeep joined yuzi and bhuvi sat beside Rahul they asked them about virat so kuldeep told them he was making roti .

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