Comfort in your arms (Rohitrat part-2)

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After their hug virat went inside and announced about his retirement from t-20s and everyone in room fell silent no utter a single world rohit was so shocked to even speak his body didn't moved Virat was looking at him for some reaction but all he saw was a emotionless face by rohit which was scaring him alot .

He went him and cupped his cheeks . rohit looked at him with teary eyes and betrayal look his eyes was holding so many emotions but face was emotionless some where in his heart lossing Virat for life time this thought was making him scared alot he love Virat so much and playing cricket without him was feeling like he is doing something he should not .

He went from their and Virat followed him rohit was sitting on terrace looking at moon Virat went beside him and sat their .

Rohit put his head on his lap and looked at him with teary eyes,
He from most difficultly formed a word .

Rohit:- why .

Virat understanding his flow of emotions it was too much for Virat to see rohit like this he peaked his lips and said ,

Virat :- it's time to say good bye to t-20 ro now my time is up now others will lead team india .

Rohit looked at him with most painful expression.

Rohit :- why you didn't thought about me for once vi how will I do without you I can't even imagine playing without you ,I need you beside me how will I manage this alon please don't go vi i will not able to take this alone please.

Virat wipped his tears and kissed his eyes made him look towards him and peaked his forehead,

Virat :- ro I am not going away whenever you need me I am always here for you maybe I will not be present in stadium but i will always be in your heart you can call me whenever you want and i will answer it trust me to nothing comes before you ,you matter the most but this time i became a bit selfish it was good for everyone for me ,you ,team and BCCI please ro don't cry .

Rohit's tears were not in control Virat himself was crying his heart was feeling so heavy and then rohit crying was breaking him even more .

Rohit:- vi i need you stood beside me for life time and for every match every format everywhere but you left me alone how will I fight with them .

Virat :- ro I am always their for you na and i just took retirement from T20 format other format I will play and I will be with you they don't worry and don't cry I am in your heart and trust me I am always with you in your heart .

Rohit held virat's hand and placed it on his heart and Virat was shocked at the speed of Rohit's heart .

Rohit:- my heart beat for you vi and it always will but your presence help me to calm myself i don't get angry whenever you are their for me I can handle situation in a better way but when you will not be their how will I manage to control my anger to control my emotions you always stood infront of me shading me with problems but now my protector will go away from me .

Virat :- baby team is their for you na and you know you have subhi he will be your supporter now he is our kid na you know he is alot like me he will handle your anger and become your support when I will not be here my love other than him whole team india is their for you don't worry everything will be just like before.

Rohit:- for them vi for them but not for me when you are in team you always protect team and me and stay infront of us taking all hate md thing's and now they will directly target team if we lost when you are in team you can make them understand things easily but now how will do that Alone we were their safety barrier together but now you left me .

Virat :- shuuuhhh ro don't say that I am still here and i trust you ro you will never let anything happen to our team you will be their for them protecting them now after me you are their safety barrier and I am very confident that you are and you will be best captain don't worry about them shuuhh don't.

Understanding the wait of emotions both stood their hugging eachother telling eachother's heart voice pouring their feelings in words that night and every minute of that night held a different story of emotions of love and pain .

They went back to their room and got fresh up when virat he saw rohit sitting near window thinking about something virat understood what he was thinking and went to him ,.

Virat placed a hand on his shoulder and Rohit looked at him he was a lot more calm and some what looking okey .

Virat :- ro don't take stress we are always together and we have everyone our team if I am not their the team will be their for you .
And our nation who will support us at our loss and win .

Rohit gave him a soft smile and pulled him on his lap virat's blushed at their position.

Rohit peaked his cheeks ,

Rohit:- but they are you na vi and for me i always only need my vi and only vo .

Virat placed his head on Rohit's chest ,

Virat :- but they are our family.

Rohit:- thank you for your trust all these years and and for you love .

Virat :- bub you don't have to say that i love you and I can do anything for you .

Rohit:- i love you too my biggest supporter.

They both shared a kiss and Rohit carried Virat to their bed they layed their with so much emotion mutual understanding love and respect for eachother.

Rohit thoughts.

You are my everything vi and respect your decision i know it was hard for you but i understand you are also tired because of people constantly blaming you and questing you about your every move and I am happy finally you choose something for your finally one time you became selfish .

He placed a kiss on virat's forehead,

Virat's thoughts,

I know ro that I did wrong but now I don't have energy left in me I am tired of this things but I am always their and will support you from my heart .

Virat kissed his chest and they slept like that .

(Please ignore my grammatical mistakes)

Guys if you want me to make virat's retirement story in rohitrat brother version tell me in comments.

Also I didn't know that Virat took retirement from T20 format yesterday as I slept after publishing my story.

Comment and vote Hope you all like it.

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