Jasprit bhumra and Bhuvneshwar Kumar

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Bhuvi had been a quite child always never talk to anyone much he is such a cute and handsome boy can drool anyone for him .

Jassi is a shy kid love him family and ict alot he always felt attraction towards bhuvi although bhuvi is 4 years older than him he always felt like bhuvi is his comfort zone .

When he came in team when he was new boy bhuvi was the first person who he open up with and he kindly like that bhuvi became his comfort zone he always share room with him he love how bhuvi always knows answer of his question.
He never get why bhuvi always hide his emotions well maybe because he is not a expressive one he love to let him emotions his feelings to himself no one can tell that if bhuvi is sad or unhappy seeing his beautiful charming smile.

It's being 6 years jassi entered in this ict family and bhuvi being his constant support he knew that bhuvi knows what is going in his mind sometimes he spoke about it too sometimes jassi felt like bhuvi can read mind but well he can't help just know everyone so well that he say everything without even them telling him .

Bhuvi share a very nice bond with Virat and jad as Virat was someone who will die to protect bhuvi and jad is someone who will not think twice before killing someone for bhuvi ,bhuvi was always special for team like he is someone who would be loved by everyone no one hate him his personality is just perfect.

That's why jassi also felt like he is loosing his heart on this man he just love how carefree he laugh his smile and his cute pout that's very rare when you see him pouting his amezing cooking skills and true to himself nature brings love for him even more.

They all just finished their match against Shri Lanka and they won it with a very high margin all thanks to bhuvi as bhuvi took 5 wickets and took important catches and everyone get that why Virat always want bhuvi in his team no matter he perform or not well it's rare to see bhuvi not performing but luck always don't set on bhuvi right.

India love bhuvi even others country's player also love him and fans also they respect bhuvi alot .

Whole ict was in the bus happily jumping around as they won the match bhuvi was sitting near window sit and his eyes was close he knows his teammates love to get hyper but he prefer silence.

Jassi sat beside bhuvi and held bhuvi's hand in silent acknowledgement knowing bhuvi he knows that bhuvi is thinking about something.

They went to hotel and after having dinner went to their room bhuvi was feeling restless so he went to hotel's garden and sat their on a bench looking at sky he felt his eyes having some tears .

He don't know himself when he started crying jassi who followed bhuvi saw him wipping his tears he went to him and sat beside him ,

Bhuvi was shocked to see jassi here but he knew jassi always care about everyone jassi was getting worried so he asked,

Jassi :- what happened

He placed his hands on bhuvi's knee and he bhuvi looked at him being silent.

He said ,

Bhuvi :- I am not normal jas I am not

Jassi didn't understand this but he said ,

Jassi :- no one is perfect bhuvi tell me what is happening.

Bhuvi looked at ground tears still in his eyes he said ,

Bhuvi:- I feel attracted towards boys and top of that i am having feelings for you jas it's wrong very wrong I am stupid such a ass hole I am .

Jassi was stunned he took time to let this information pass .he didn't said anything and just looked at bhuvi , bhuvi's eyes had tears in them but speaking innocences he felt like he achieved everything seeing bhuvi like this he didn't mean like he hate it it's just bhuvi was looking really cute and beautiful.

Bhuvi's head was down he was looking at ground he was feeling scread that now jas will hate him but to his surprise jas put his hands under bhuvi's chin and made him look towards him and when bhuvi did.

He same some tears in jassi's eyes bhuvi got confused why jas is crying he didn't did anything wrong right.

Jas got up and made.bhuvi also got up from bench and he looked at him and he lift him in his arms and spin him around saying thank you again and again.

Bhuvi was even more confused now he said ,

Bhuvi:- jas what happened why are you saying thank you

Jassi just smiled at him put him down on ground and pulled him towards himself by his waist their faces were some inches apart their warm breath hitting on eachother's face looking absolutely hot in that midnight and a romantic environment build their .

Jas :- because I am also not normal i love you and i think i found my happiness in your I felt butterflies in my stomach whenever I see you smiling whole heartedly I felt hurt i felt like something is crushing my heart when I see you sad a sudden hitn of sadness a sudden pain arise in my heart whenever I see your shine eyes having tears it's just to overwhelming for me that you chose me over million's of people who likes you thank you bhuvi .

Bhuvi was crying even more now he never thought that jas will say something like this he thought jas will find disgusting that bhuvi likes him but jas love him .

He hugged jas tightly and put his head on jas's shoulder.

Jassi also hugged him tightly from his waist loving the warm feeling that they both are feeling he never thought in his dreams that bhuvi will ever like him but guess what bhuvi like him .

Jassi carried bhuvi to their bedroom in bridal style and although it was midnight but hotel's manager and some staff's were present their doing their work and they saw jas carring bhuvi like that .

They felt odd but didn't bugged in their work and started doing their own work .
They reached their room and jas placed bhuvi gently on bed .

And they both slept hugging eachother.

Now it was three months they started dating till now they didn't did anything more then stealing pecks from eachother they didn't even shared a proper kiss as jas thought that would be very fast for them and bhuvi also said yes .

They played odi match with england and beat England in that jas won the man of the match and he dedicated his man of the match award to bhuvi.

Team was shocked and all audience and even the one who were giving gift were shocked.

He said ,

Jas :- I want to dedicate this award to bhuvi he is my constant support always stay beside me no matter I am sad or happy always stay their at my lowest he deserves to be with me toy highest I am very lucky to have bhuvi in my life thank you love .

He said and ended his speech everyone clapped for them and bhuvi was shy he called bhuvi on the stage and they received the award together and after that jas kissed bhuvi's back of the hand and also have peak to his forehead stating how much he love him .

They reviled to the team that they are dating and everyone was so happy for them they got support for everywhere.

(Please ignore my grammatical mistakes)

Hope you all like it 🥰 😍.

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