Yuvraj Singh and Gautam Gambhir

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Yuvi was in relationship with mahi but they both broke up due to some reasons and now mahi is dating sonu their life is going smoothly bit the difference is yuvi and mahi don't talk with eachother they are not bestfriends anymore.

Gautam who knows this very welly felt bad for yuvi because mahi was able to move on but what about yuvi everyone do mistakes but they deserve chance but h knows that this time it needs to be end because it's not their first time they broke up and patch up .

Mahi bhai and Sonu both are dating from two years and are happy with eachother and here yuvi was trying to get normal but everything was hurting him he knows he still love mahi .

He tried to hide this with his great acting and he succeed he is cheerful and bubbly infront of everyone but sad inside no one can guess how he is from inside he is so good at hiding his pain .

Gauti and yuvi never get along well but they were becoming friends with eachother more like bestfriend.

Sourav decided to give them one room and made them roommates and they agreed not having any other option Gautam understand yuvi very welly and he became yuvi's comfort place .

Yuvi was not feeling well from some days and world cup was approaching he don't know why but his body was paining alot he used to take pain killer they are staying in Mumbai as the world cup us going to start from Monday and the first match is better India and Shri Lanka .

Gauti was not having great feeling he told yuvi to go and cheak and visit doctor but he never listen..

Gauti was in his room and yuvi came their he was feeling so weak and he directly went to gauti and hugged him from his waist and slept while his half body was on gauti's body .

Gauti was reading book he started to creassed his hairs while reading his book he didn't said anything as it was normal for yuvi to be like this with him .

Yuvi was deep in his sleep and his body started to shiver gauti not understanding why this happened and what is happening with him .

Gauti was about to get up but yuvi held him tightly not letting him go just then dada and mahi along with Sonu and Rahul Bhai came in their room .

And the door was already opened so they just came inside and saw yuvi hugging gauti who was lost in his thoughts while his hands were roaming in yuvi's hairs they saw how tightly he was holding gauti's waist tightly.

His face was Buried in gauti's belly and gauti was trying to get up but yuvi was not leaving him .

Gauti didn't noticed them he was just too lost in his thoughts,

Gauti :- yuv leave me i will be back in just a minute.

Yuvi stirred at his sleep and left his waist gauti got up from bed and got extra blanket from the closet.

He came back to bed and coverd yuvi with blanket who instantly wrapped it around himself and held gauti's hand holding it tightly.

Who rested his head on headrest just then his eyes fell in dada and others and he got embarrassed and told yuvi to left his hand who did .

Gauti :- dada when did you came please sit everyone why you guys didn't talked from long time.

Sourav:- just few minutes and we were watching yuvi .

Gauti looked at yuvi who had a troubled expression on his face he smiled at it and went to him and placed a pillow between his hands and he hugged him .

Rahul:- got habit of him .

Asked Rahul Bhai gauti nod his head and sat in couch,

Gautam:- I am staying with him from more then a years and now got habit of him ,

Sourav smiled at him and ,

Gautam:- why you all came here any special reason.

Rahul:- ya we came to discuss about yuvi's postion if he wants to open or play in third number or where..

Gauti nod his head and

Gautam:- he is sleeping now you can ask him later.

He said and they nod mahi and sonu both were staring at yuvi and their face was saying that they want to say something but words were not coming out of their mouth.

They all went to their room and mahi felt happy seeing yuvi sleeping after two years from the day they broke up they didn't went to eachother's room everything was so awkward.

Till dinning time yuvi got up and get fresh up he searched for Gautam who was not their so he went to cheak for him and find him in garden of hotel he went to him and kept his head on his shoulder.

Gauti let him do that ,

Yuvi :- my head is hurting spinning round and round.

Gauti chuckled at this and started to give massage to him who liked his and said thank you .

They were going towards the hotel room just then yuvi felt like he is lossing his balance and he held gauti's hand for support who instantly held him by his shoulder.

Gauti :- you okey .

Yuvi clutching his chest he was tightly holding gauti's on hand and another one was in his chest .

Gauti not understanding what to do yuvi eyes wer getting teary,

Yuvi :- it's....... hurting......ahh..... God.......

Gauti was getting worried not knowing what to do he helped yuvi to stand up and took him to car and started it ,

Yuvi's breathe was getting heavy he was feeling so much pain trying to stop himself from shouting gauti held his one hand resurring him he is with him .

He called Rahul Bhai ,

Gauti :- bhai me and yuvi went some important work we will come after sometime.

He said and without listening to Rahul Bhai he cutted the call and focused on driving..

Yuvi looked at him ,

Yuvi :- gauti I don't want to go to doctor.

(Please ignore my grammatical mistakes)

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