Rahul and Hardik , Rohit and Virat (part-3)

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Hardik looked at him and Virat was looking at moon his eyes were holding lot's off emotions his feelings were shattered.

Virat :- wanna talk about what's in your Little mind .

Hardik:- bhai sorry because of me that happened.

Virat :- I know it's not why you want to talk about so get in point straight.

Hardik :- you know that what fans are doing and then Shreyas and Rahul's closeness.

Virat :- if you didn't try someone will take what's your.

Hardik :- he look happy with Shreyash bhai i don't want to be rock in his happiness.

Virat looked at him their conversation was getting heard by whole ict .

Virat :- look hardik not always what we think a true you don't know they are together or not they didn't made any confirmation till now if you held yourself back na then you will never be able to stay happy if they are together he will reject you and at some point you will move on and if they are not together still he rejects you because he only thinks you as friend then try to be friend with him you will eventually start losing feeling for him don't think too much ..

Hardik:- but he looks happy with Shreyash how he see him and how their laugh echo in whole room their small touches and secretes they whispered in eachother's ears .it hurts bhai and i really don't want this now .

Virat :- look hardik don't be someone who will regret for years for not confessing just do it the result is future so don't think too much .

Hardik :- then why you didn't confessed your feelings to Rohit Bhai till now .

Virat chuckled his eyes got teary he looked at moon ,

Virat :- because you know at least rahul is with someone he is happy and you are happy for him but it's not with Rohit I have seen him with sky they were shirtless and so close Maybe doing something that I should not see he is already sky's I am really happy for him but atleast it look like rahul love you the way he look at you he is ready to do anything for him but that's not Same rohit only see me as his bestfriend nothing more then that I know he will never love a selfish person like me .

Hardik:- you are not selfish bhai .

Virat :- he thinks that the whole world think that I got hate for everything hardik i guess if it was in their hands they will even hate me for breathing hardik I tried my best yarr i tried my best to give my everything in the matches trust me I never played for my own records i always tried to make RCB win i always tried to made India win .

Hardik had tears in his eyes he knows Virat was holding from long time .

Virat :- i give my best at every match and never even care about my own milestone still everyone thinks i play for it they hate me for my aggression they hate me if I didn't scored runs they hate me if I scored runs saying I took so much time they hate me for being close with someone they hate me for being friendly they hat me for being rude they hate me if I talked with other team's players they hate me if I didn't.over all they hate me for everything i do hardik even rohit said that .

His cheeks was covered with tears falling from them ,

Hardik:- he said in anger bhai he didn't mean it .

Virat :- usually people say what they have in their heart in anger they mostly speak their heart out when they got angry they let their feelings flow I believe in people usually say truth in anger.

Hardik was speacchles don't know what to do he can't even think how virat is feeling right now .

Virat :- don't be second Virat hardik tell Rahul maybe you will have some chance don't be the reason of your own pain .

Hardik:- i will tell bhai .

Virat :- ya you should maybe then he will not hate me .

Hardik:- what are you saying bhai you know he can never hate you .

Virat smiled bitterly in his tears ,

Virat :- you didn't saw hardik but in this two months everyone made me feel like this my bestfriend who hate me for god knows how many reasons rahul hate me for being close with you he thought I am snaching you away .

Subhman couldn't able to control himself went to them and hugged them ,

Virat :- baccha what happened why are you crying.

He asked wipping his tears away everyone in team were had tears in their eyes they still don't know how much virat hold inside his heart .

Subhman:- I heard you Bhai .

Virat :- don't cry subh you will get sick it's so normal for me not first time it's happening it's happening from years first my under-16 teammates then under -19 teammates and now this .

He said wipping subhman's tears who cried even more .

Hardik was creasing subhman's back he himself was crying,

Subhman:- tell us more bhai ket your heart feel light.

Virat :- their is nothing baccha .

Subhman:- tell me apko meri kasam .

He said and Virat looked at him and said ,

Virat :- it's always like this subh whenever I do something bad I am reason behind this but when I do something good no one pay attention to it .
You know hate is constant in my life and love is temporarily so it's not big deal I am dealing this from years and I am not surprised even if the whole team hate me .

Tears flowed from his eyes thy know virat also cared about subhman and the whole team he will think about team thn himself.and never tell them this ..

Hardik and subhman hugged him and he broke down in tears crying loudly,

Virat :- I feel so broken what I did to deserve this why God only do this with me i know that everyone face problems and my is not even a thing to think of but this things have broke me completely and I don't have any energy left in me to pretend I had enough now i really can't it they want to kill me just kill me at onec not like this inch by inch Virat kholi was no where to be seen i don't remember when I felt so light and happy because they always hate me for that too I can't even smile.
My own bestfriend think like that about me Rahul my first kid whom I thought will never hate me also hate me .

He broke down in their arms feeling so weak let his feelings flow others were stood their Rahul and Rohit were guilty on their actions they never thought this will hurt virat this much .

(Please ignore my grammatical mistakes)

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