💛: 02

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[Third person pov]

“Hyung, that looks a lot like your hoodie!”

Seungmin– who was listening to Jeongin's rants– craned his neck towards where he had pointed. He squinted his eyes, trying to make out the small frame that was engulfed in a very familiar gray hoodie.

“Wait a second-” The black haired hummed thoughtfully, gazing at the chattering female. “-isn't that Micha?”

“Um...” Seungmin panicked. Of course it was Micha, and why was she wearing his hoodie out? It's been like eight days now, how often does she wear it? Doesn't she plan on returning? So many questions bombard at the same time.

The brunette grabbed Jeongin's shoulders, pushing him into the opposite direction. “No, it's not, probably some other girl wearing a random hoodie which is definitely not mine!”

“But home is that way?” The shorter pointed in the same direction as Micha stood talking with an unidentified female. Curse you Chan for asking them to go get some extra ramen.

Seungmin finally let go of Jeongin. He swept his bangs away from his face, huffing out his cheeks. Oh crap! If Jeongin finds out, he'd tell Chan or even worse, be all silly and start shipping them, cooing like he always does.

“Okay, Just don't say or even look at her direction,” Seungmin stole the younger's baseball hat, putting it on. He hoped that it would hide his face. Once again he pushed the confused Jeongin forward.

Seungmin kept glancing at Micha the closer they got, Jeongin still muttering about something he didn't care about.
He quickly averted his eyes, wishing that she was too busy to notice two random guys walking past her. That's it, almost there, just one more step.

“Hi Micha!” Jeongin you fool.

The girl's gaze diverted from her friend to the two males, one all smiley, while the other had a look of resentment.

“Hi Jeongin! Fuck you Ass-min.”

___________• ° ★ ° •___________

What do you think about the stars?

Anyways hi, how are you?
As always Tae (>* ~-•)> will be taking your votes and comments


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