💛: 03

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[Third person pov]

“Oh my God, ‘Ass-min’. You're so creative.”

Seungmin deadpanned in a monotonous voice, his face totally void of any emotion. If he were being honest, he had no idea why he even paused, furthermore retorted to her lame quip. And he also wondered why he hasn't smacked Jeongin's head for doing the one thing he told him not to.

“Yeah. Something that you'll never be.”

Here we go again. The senseless banter. Even Seungmin had no clue why she's always salty towards him. Not that he cared but, its just so annoying some of the time.

Jeongin and Micha's friend gasped, clasping their hands on their lips. Shock evident on their faces. “Damn. Ass-min, do you need milk?” Micha's friend asked, fake concern lacing her sarcastic tone.

“My name is not Ass-min, its Seungmin.”

“I don't know, Hyung. Ass-min be sounding real good now.”

Seungmin sighed. Of course Jeongin would take her side. Its always a silly joke to him. The older whacked Jeongin's head and began walking off. There's always a one hundred percent chance that talking to Micha is useless.

“Yeah. About your hoodie!” Dun. Dun. Dun.

Okay Seungmin, play dumb. “What's a hoodie?” not that dumb.

Micha's brows creased in a vagued frown. She tugged the hem of the grey fabric. “You know? This thing that you WILLINGLY gave to me?”

“Aww. That's so cute!” Jeongin and Micha's– who the author feels like not naming– cooed. And then Jeongin poked Seungmin's cheek, only to get his hand slapped.

“I knew it was yours!” Jeongin added.

“No. Its not. Mocha is just crazy. She probably hit her dumb little head and is spawning rubbish. Right Macchiato?”

Micha caught on to Seungmin's facial cues and decides to played along. “Oh yeah. I'm playing. Its mine. I'm NEVER returning it,” she grinned widely.

Seungmin faked a smile too but, secretly dying inside. “Yep. It looks good on you,” he begrudgingly did a thumbs up, nodding. “Keep it cause its definitely not mine.”

Micha's Friend and Jeongin kept averting their gazes from Seungmin to Micha. “They suck at acting.”

_________• ° ★ ° •___________

What do you think about; Cats?

Anyways hi, how are you?
As always Tae (>* ~-•)> will be taking your votes and comments


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