Homebound Hearts

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12th August 2023

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12th August 2023

home - Edith Whiskers

It's much colder here in London than it was in  Los Angeles. Funny you missed it when you moved but now you're back, you find yourself longing for the burning sun on your skin. Late July yet you are still greeted by a chilly breeze as you stand on your balcony. Early morning, the sun is just creepy above the horizon.

Running away from the night like you try to run from your pain. Running away from your past seemed easy until the realisation came you'd forever be looking over your shoulder. The nights become longer until you just don't sleep at all although that's better than the alternative, the endless nightmares once you do sleep.

You lived in this house up to the age of fifteen until your whole world changed. You lost your: best friend, your mother, your person. Your father was destroyed. The love of his life was gone.  He could no longer live where they grew up, where all the memories they had created. But here you are nine years later.

"Lewis!" You hear a shriek from downstairs.

That is Miss Angelica Fawn. Now Known as Mrs Primrose, your "butter couldn't melt" stepmother. Angelica has sleek, straight brunette hair that falls just below her shoulders. She is quite skinny, thanks to her daily gym routine. Blessed with sharp cheekbones and full lips, giving her a model-like appearance. Her skin is flawless and always has a natural glow to it.

Her most striking feature though is her piercing icy blue eyes, which seem to always hold a cold, calculating glint. She always dresses in designer clothing and wears expensive jewellery, showcasing her love for luxury and your dad's money.

Daddy dearest decided to remarry when you were nineteen. Everyone knows she's just with him for his money. You're sure even poor Lewis is aware but he was with your mum from the age of sixteen. You're not sure he can cope with being alone. Even if that means being with a snotty thirty-six-year-old, who's just here for the money.

 Even if that means being with a snotty thirty-six-year-old, who's just here for the money

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At the sight of your kitchen, the memory of your mother's perfume floods your memory. Her half-drunk coffee is on the counter with a mark from her signature, scarlet lipstick as her music plays. She can never cook without it. Her hips swing, her curls bouncing and a smile always spread across her face.

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