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13th August 2023

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13th August 2023

forever - labrinth

Waking up, you find yourself confused. Many questions fill your head. Where are you? What happened last night? Who's bed are you in?

"Wakey, Wakey, little flame."

Hearing Jimin's familiar voice, you realise you must have stayed with him last night. Relief fills your body. You slowly roll out of bed, your head feeling like it's splitting as you stand up. Knowing you must be in Jimin's bedroom, you remove your dress and throw on one of his baggy t-shirts paired with basketball shorts. You leave the room and head towards the voices you hear.

You enter the huge living room. The walls are a deep grey, and large floor-to-ceiling windows line the back wall, giving the room plenty of natural light. The floor is a dark wood. A large, cosy sectional sofa in a dusty black hue is situated in front of a marble fireplace. The coffee table is made of mirrored glass, reflecting the light.

On one end of the sofa, there is a velvet armchair matching it, accompanied by a side table with a golden lamp. The room is filled with candles and the air is scented with a delicate vanilla fragrance. It is a luxurious, elegant space that exudes comfort and opulence. You can't help but feel like you have stepped into a dream as you take in the breathtaking room.

"Feeling hungover?" Jimin questions you.

You collapse onto him, nuzzling your head into his chest. "Feels like my brain is a rock."

Hoseok gently pats your head. "Luckily I got you Gatorade."

"You're a lifesaver," you respond, accepting the drink he hands you.

Bringing his attention away from the TV, Yoongi asks you. "So how'd you enjoy last night?"

You look towards him smiling widely. "It was amazing."

Yoongi raises his eyebrow at you. "I was talking about the other part." 

Jimin nearly laughs you both off the sofa.

Full of confusion, all you can say is one word. "What?"

Jimin looks at you suggestively. "You know your time with a certain doe-eyed boy."

Hoseok playfully teases you. "Think you could get away with not telling us the details?"

"What are you guys talking about?" Baffled by what they are saying you didn't notice Jungkook enter the room.

He winks at you. "You don't look as good in my clothes as you looked without them."

In shock, you shout. "WAIT WHAT?!?"

The four of them burst into hysterics. Reality hits you. Your face burns bright red as you try to snuggle deeper into Jimin to hide your embarrassment. You remember going to the river with Jungkook but you have no idea how you ended up here or in his bed!

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