Through Thick and Thin

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2nd October, 2023

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2nd October, 2023

dusk till dawn - zayn, sia

You groan as you open your eyes, the harsh fluorescent lights of the hospital ward causing your head to throb. You try to sit up, but a sharp pain in your side makes you wince and lie back down. Looking down, you see the bandages covering your wound and the memories of the gunfight flood back to you. The chaos of the battle replays in your mind like a never-ending loop - the deafening sounds of gunfire, the acrid smell of smoke, and the screams of your teammates as they fight for their lives. How have you ended up here, lying on a hospital bed, battered and bruised?

"You think I'd leave you all to die?" The voice of Lucio echoes in your head. You remember him swooping in to save you all, his calm demeanour a stark contrast to the chaos around you.

"Where exactly are we?" You ask, still feeling groggy from whatever pain medication you have been given.

"My house," Lucio answers, his voice soothing and calm. You chuckle at the insanity of it. But then again, you're a gang that constantly finds yourselves in dangerous situations. A hospital ward in Lucio's house doesn't seem all that out of place.

"We get shot at for a living," Lucio adds "So I figured I might as well have a makeshift hospital ward set up here."

"Let's not get too caught up on that. Jungkook confessed his love for little flame," Jimin chirps from his bed with a mischievous grin. Jungkook, in his bed, groans and buries his face in his hands.

"I thought I was dying. I take it back," Jungkook splutters, his voice muffled by his hands. Jimin bursts out laughing, joined by Isabella, who is curled up next to him.

"She didn't say it back, did she?" Isabella teases. You smile at the banter between your teammates. Even amid danger and chaos, they find moments of levity.

"Oh, damn. Even when you're bleeding out, you get rejected," Jimin teases, earning a playful shove from Jungkook.

"You just going to let them abuse your son like this?" Jungkook turns to Lucio, who is watching them with a small smile.

"It's rather fun to watch," Lucio beams, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

"Just saying she told me she loved me," Noah boasts from his bed.

"Has he not been killed yet?" Jungkook grumbles.

"Unfortunately not," Natalie quips from her bed.

Noah playfully shoves Natalie. "Natalie."

"You've got to let it go, man," Taehyung adds with a chuckle from his bed.

"Some of us are still trying to sleep here," Yoongi deadpans from his bed.

Jimin chuckles. "You love us, Yoongs," he jests, his voice filled with teasing affection. "Admit it."

"Do I?" Yoongi asks, his tone dry and sarcastic, earning a round of laughs from the group.

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