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3rd January, 2000

hurt - nine inch nails

It started as a normal evening for Scarlet. The streets of London are busy as she makes her way to her meeting. The weather has a brittle feel this January evening. She can feel the chill in the air as she walks down the cobblestone streets, her breath forming small clouds in front of her face.

The city is bustling with activity, the sound of cars honking and people chattering filling the air. Scarlet has decided to walk this evening, despite the cold, as she knows the traffic will be mayhem. She needs time to clear her head before the meeting, and the walk seems like the perfect way to do so.

She makes her way through the busy streets, she can't help but feel a sense of calm wash over her. The city has a certain energy to it, a vibrancy that she finds comforting. As she walks, she passes by various shops and restaurants, the smell of food wafting through the air. The lights of the city cast a warm glow on the buildings, creating a cosy atmosphere despite the cold. Scarlet can't help but smile as she takes in the sights and sounds of the city she calls home.

As she rounds the corner, her hotel comes into view. The grand building looms before her, its lights twinkling in the fading light. She smiles to herself, feeling a sense of serenity wash over her. But as she continues down the street, her eyes are drawn to a dark alley just off the side of her hotel. And there, lying on the ground is a woman passed out. The calm that is wafting around her soon dissipates as she sees a child, no older than four, huddled in a thin blanket next to the woman.

Her heart lurches in her chest as she rushes to the child's side. He is shaking, his small frame trembling with fear. He clutches a tattered teddy bear to his chest, his eyes wide with fright. And then she sees it - a needle hanging out of the woman's arm. Horror washes over her as she realises what has happened. The woman has overdosed, leaving the child alone and scared in the alley.

She knows she has to act fast, to help the child before it's too late. Without hesitating, she scoops the child up into her arms, his small body limp with exhaustion. She wraps him in her coat, trying to shield him from the cold night air. The teddy bear clutches tightly to his chest, the only comfort he has at this terrifying moment.

Scarlet takes her phone out dialing her childhood best friend and business partner.  "Lucio, you need to get over here.

  "Lucio, you need to get over here

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