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11th October, 2023

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11th October, 2023

kids - mgmt

It had been a wild night for everyone. Your friends had gone out to celebrate your birthday, and things had quickly gotten out of hand. The sun is streaming through the curtains of the cosy living room, casting a warm glow.  You, Jimin, and Yoongi find yourselves huddled on the sofa, each of you has a blanket draped over your heads, with just your faces popping out, shielding you all from the brightness of the day.

Isabella lies curled up with her head resting on Jimin's lap as she sleeps soundly. Jimin runs his fingers through her hair, watching her with a small smile on his face. The room is silent, save for the sound of the movie playing in the background. The hangover from the previous night is hitting all of you hard, and you can all feel it in every fibre of your being.

The pounding headache, the dry mouth, and the feeling of exhaustion seem to seep into your very bones. You let out a groan from under your blanket, your hand reaching out blindly for the bottle of water on the coffee table. You take a long sip, wincing at the taste of the tequila that still lingers on your tongue. Yoongi chuckles from beside you, his own bottle of water already halfway empty.

Jungkook enters the living room with a chuckle at the sorry sight before him. He can feel his own pounding headache, a reminder of the excessive drinking from the night before. "What are you guys watching?" He asks.

You look up from the TV with a grin. "Obviously the cinematic masterpiece Mulan," you respond, your enthusiasm not dampened by the headache you're experiencing. "We need something to cure our hangovers, and what better way than Li Shang?"

Jungkook laughs and hops over the back of the sofa behind you, pulling you in between his legs. "Where is everyone else?" he inquires, looking around the room.

You gesture to a pile of blankets on the floor. "Hoseok is buried under those, Namjoon is in the bathroom dealing with the aftermath of last night, Jin is in the kitchen whipping up some hangover food, and Taehyung is reluctantly helping him." You explain.

Mulan plays on the screen, the familiar songs and dialogue providing a soothing background to the morning after. You snuggle closer to Jungkook, seeking comfort in his embrace as you rest your head against his chest. Despite the throbbing pain in your head, you can't help but feel content in this moment. The warmth of your friends surrounding you is a soothing balm to your hangover.

You remember how you all used to watch Mulan over and over again, each of you relating to the themes of loyalty, bravery, and love. It is a film that touched your hearts and became a cherished part of your friendship. Jungkook smiles at the sight before him.

These are his closest friends, the people he has shared everything with since they were children.  As Mulan sings about reflection and honour on the screen, Jungkook can't help but reflect on the bond they all share. They have been through so much together – heartbreak, triumph, loss – and yet through it all, they have always had each other's backs, supporting and lifting each other.

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