Trapped in Darkness

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Trapped in Darkness

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Trapped in Darkness

6th September, 2023

sail - awolnation

You enter Jungkook's office. The sleek black marble floors glisten under the soft lighting, creating a sense of elegance and sophistication. The walls are embellished with abstract paintings, their dark colours matching the overall elegant aesthetic of the space.

The sun sets outside, casting a warm glow through the floor-to-ceiling windows, the room is bathed in a soft golden light. The sound of a distant car passing by and the gentle hum of the air conditioning system create a serene atmosphere, perfect for deep thought and introspection. Lucio sits at the sleek mahogany desk, Jungkook by his side.

"Let's start with you telling me everything you know." Lucio queries.

"Lobos have been in our family way before even my grandparents were born. We come from a long line of gang leaders. You and my mother came to England when you were fifteen. Both my grandfather and your father, the leaders of Lobos, wanted to branch out and gain more territory. Unfortunately, both died when you and my mother were just seventeen leaving you both to take over." You explain.

"How do you know this?" Jungkook wonders.

"I received a letter on my eighteenth birthday from my mother. My mother had a plan for if she died, meaning Lobos were under attack. She has associates in America who would keep my family safe. Issy and I began training once we each turned eighteen." You clarify.

"So why are you back now?" Lucio questions.

"We heard word of Johnathan's location, an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of London." You place a piece of paper on the desk.

Lucio sighs looking at the paper. "We already had Jin scoop here out, there was no trace of him."

"And there was me thinking you might want to see your best friends." Jungkook jests.

Lucio takes a deep breath. "I assume with living in LA, you've heard of Fury?"

Jungkook feels a sense of dread wash over him as his father utters the words. "No."

Lucio pinches the bridge of his nose shaking his head. "That's not up to you."

"They want to make a deal with us, Kai has sent his children to see you. They want to meet with you alone, tonight." Lucio confides.

Determination burns on your face, and your eyes narrow. "I'm in."

"Absolutely not." Jungkook spits firmly, refusing to even entertain the idea.

"Jungkook." Lucio cautions.

It is obvious by the way his eyes narrow and his jaw clenches that Jungkook is not going to budge on his decision. "I forbid it."

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