Whispers of Adoration

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23rd October, 2023

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23rd October, 2023

somewhere only we know - keane

The run-down apartment has always been an eyesore in the neighbourhood. Its faded blue paint, broken windows, and overgrown garden make it clear that no one had been living there for quite some time. But what most people don't know is that behind its battered facade, the apartment serves a crucial purpose as a safe house. The afternoon sun streams through the dusty curtains, casting a warm glow over the rundown bedroom. The room is a stark contrast to the vibrant world outside, with peeling paint and threadbare carpet giving it a sense of neglect and abandonment. The peeling wallpaper whispers stories of bygone eras, while the creaking floorboards groan under the weight of forgotten memories. The once beautiful hardwood floors are scuffed and scratched, the result of years of wear and tear without care or maintenance.

In the corner, an old wooden dresser stands stubbornly, its once elegant curves are now weathered and worn. A chair sits, broken, the cushion torn and stuffing spilling out in a sad display of neglect. The fabric, once a vibrant shade of blue, now faded to a dull grey, serves as a reminder of better days long gone. In the centre of the room sits an old wooden bed, its frame creaking with every movement. You and Jungkook find yourselves confined to this run-down apartment. The days drag on endlessly, without any sign of being released. Frustration bubbles beneath your surface, threatening to boil over at any given moment.

As you lie on your back, your head hanging off the edge of the bed, you express your thoughts to Jungkook, who sits at the other end. "If they keep us here much longer, I may go completely insane," you moan, your tone laced with exasperation.

Jungkook flashes a mischievous smile. He reaches over and gently strokes your leg. "I'm afraid that's impossible, you're already insane," he teases, trying to lighten the mood.

Your eyes spark with rebellion as you propose, "Maybe we should set this whole place on fire. Lucio would have no choice but to release us then."

Jungkook chuckles at your suggestion. "Hmm, trap you in a room for three days and the arsonist comes out," he teases, finding amusement in your fiery spirit.

With a sly grin, he moves on top of you, hovering above you as he looks down into your eyes. "I could think of a much better way to spend our time," he suggests.

You can feel the heat radiating off of him, see the intensity of his gaze as he looks down into your eyes causing your breath to catch in your throat. You can feel yourself drowning in the depths of Jungkook's gaze, feeling a rush of emotions you have never known before. The moment your lips meet, a spark ignites, setting both your souls ablaze with a passion that seems to transcend time itself. Your hands find their way to Jungkook's back, fingers tracing the muscles that tense beneath your touch. You pull him closer, losing yourself in the sensation of his lips against yours. It is a dance of two hearts beating as one, a moment suspended in time where nothing else matters but the electric current that flows between you.

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