Shattered Souls

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19th October, 2023

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19th October, 2023

to build a home - the cinematic orchestra, patrick watson

You stand at the edge of the familiar California shoreline, the ocean stretching out before you like an endless expanse of blue. The salty air clings to your skin and the seagulls cry out in the distance. Closing your eyes, you let the cold water wash over your feet, grounding you in the present moment. The beach has always been a place of solace for you and has always brought you a sense of peace. A sanctuary, a place where you could escape from the troubles of the world and just be in the moment. But today, as you stand on the memorising coastline, you can't help but feel a sense of unease. It has only been three months since you last visited the beach with your family. Back then, you came to escape the turmoil of your past, to find a moment of respite from the chaos and grief of your mother's death. But now, you're back at the beach to escape your present. The words of the letter Johnathan's men left the haunting night of Noah's death still plague your brain.

"You were right dear, infiltrating my warehouse was far too easy. I haven't let you in on a lot of my plans or reasoning but I'll give you a little snippet now. Once you left my warehouse I had my men follow you. You made it all too easy for me to find you. Your big mistake was leaving precious Isabella behind. She should be dead now and if my men haven't succeeded believe me I will myself. I intend to kill each of you heirs and take Lobos for myself."

As you stand on the beach that once held so many happy memories, you can't help but feel the weight of your grief pressing down on you. The sun is rising in a blaze of pink and gold, casting a warm glow over the sand and sea. But to you, the beauty of the scene only serves as a painful reminder of everything you have lost. Your heart aches as you gaze out at the vast expanse of the ocean, its waves crashing against the shore like a relentless drumbeat. The salty air fills your lungs, mingling with the salt of your tears as you try to hold back the flood of emotions threatening to overwhelm you.

You remember the laughter of your father, the way he used to tell unfunny jokes which you'd laugh at anyway just because it made him smile. You remember your mother's gentle touch, soothing away your fears and worries with just a simple hug. And you remember Noah, your best friend and confidante, his cocky attitude always managing to bring a smile to your face. But all of them are gone now, stolen from you by the cruel hands of Johnathan. The pain of their loss is a heavy burden you carry with you every day, weighing you down like an anchor and dragging you beneath the surface of the ocean. You clench your fists, feeling the sand slipping through your fingers like the time you can never get back. The weight of your grief threatens to drag you down, to drown you in sorrow and despair.

Jimin's footsteps crunch softly on the sand as he makes his way to where you stand gazing out at the expansive ocean. The salty breeze tousling both your hair as you stand in silence, soaking in the tranquil beauty of the dawn. "I wish we had a beach like this in London," he remarks, breaking the silence that envelops you.

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