Hysteria in the Dark

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19th September, 2023

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19th September, 2023

freaks - surf curse

It is a quiet morning. The sun is streaming in through the windows, casting a warm glow over the kitchen as you sit at the island, savouring your breakfast of toast and jam. You take a sip of your coffee and close your eyes, revelling in the peaceful moment. The tranquillity is shattered as Jimin and Isabella storm in, both laughing and chattering excitedly, paying no attention to the fact that you're trying to enjoy your breakfast in peace. Jimin makes a beeline for the kitchen island where you're sitting.

Without a word, he reaches over and snatches your plate of toast, taking a big bite before you can even protest. "Ten points to Hufflepuff," Jimin announces with a mouthful of toast

You let out an indignant squawk and reach for your plate, but Jimin holds it just out of reach, a playful smirk on his face. "Jimin, I'm going to kill you with my bare hands," you threaten half-heartedly.

Jimin just shrugs, taking another bite of toast as if he hasn't a care in the world. "His room is right next to mine, it's hard not to listen," he banters with a wink. "Especially with you screaming 'harder, harder, harder, I'm cumming!'"

Your eyes widen in horror. You slap him on the arm, not too gently. "Didn't take you for the BDSM kind, though, little flame," Jimin teases, raising an eyebrow suggestively.

"Hey, kitten, how about we use Slytherin?" Jimin suggests with a cheeky grin.

You recoil in disgust. "Gross, that's literally my sister," you gag with a shudder.

Isabella looks you in the eyes, a knowing smirk playing on her lips. "I heard everything last night, too," she adds, winking at you.

Your face turns bright red as you bury your head in your hands, mortified. "Hmm, yeah, cool, cool, cool. Jimin, Slytherin away."

Namjoon drags himself into the kitchen his limbs heavy with exhaustion. He swipes a piece of toast from Jimin's plate, declaring. "I reckon I'd be Gryffindor."

"They weren't talking about actual Harry Potter, and trust me, you don't want to know," Lucio cringes, his voice filled with mortification as he glances over at you.

"Um, Lucio how long have you been standing there?" You ask, mortified, as you turn around to see him in the corner.

"Long enough," Lucio grouses, shuddering at the memory before adding, "We shall never speak of this again."

You nod fervently in agreement. "Agreed."

Jimin, who has been trying to stifle his laughter throughout the exchange, finally bursts out with a loud chuckle. Lucio clears his throat, trying to regain some semblance of composure. "I came to tell you all that we have a meeting in an hour."

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