A Vile Taste of Fear

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18th September, 2023

hey kids - molina, late verlane

Taehyung enters the front door of your home, calling out for you. "Amor, you here?"

The house is quiet, too quiet. As he walks through the living room, he can feel the eerie stillness in the air. The usually cosy and inviting space now looks like a scene from a horror movie. Furniture is overturned, pictures are smashed on the floor, and papers are strewn everywhere.

Something has happened here, something terrible. He reaches the bedroom, the sinister feeling is haunting.  The room has been torn apart, much like the living room. The closet doors are open, clothes are scattered on the floor, and the bed is unmade with pillows tossed around haphazardly.

It is as if a tornado has ripped through the room, leaving only destruction in its wake. The realization sinks in, and Taehyung feels a sense of dread creeping over him. Panic claws at his chest, threatening to suffocate him. You're not in the house, you're gone leaving a cruel void where your presence should be. They have taken you.

They had been watching, lurking in the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. His heart stops beating as he realises the gravity of the situation. Bile rises in his throat, a vile taste of fear that threatens to overcome him. He knows the pain they will cause you, the cruelty they will inflict. He knows that they will kill you without a second thought, guilt-free and without remorse.

With trembling hands, Taehyung pulls out his phone and dials. "Lucio, something has happened."

 Jungkook sits alone in the darkness of his room, the only light filtering in through the crack in the curtains

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Jungkook sits alone in the darkness of his room, the only light filtering in through the crack in the curtains. He can hear the rain pounding against the window, matching the rhythm of his broken heart. Ever since you left, Jungkook has been consumed by a dark cloud of despair that seems to hang over him suffocating him with its darkness.

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, where darkness reigns and stars twinkle like diamonds in the sky, you shine brighter than any other. You're his universe, the brightest star in the bleak darkness of the abyss that is his world. Your eternal light brightens his galaxy, illuminating his path and bringing warmth to his soul. 

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