Yoongi & Jimin

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November 13th, 2000

trauma - nf

Yoongi and Jimin, are two young siblings who face the harsh realities of life at a very tender age. Yoongi, a seven-year-old boy with a rebellious spirit, always stands up for what he believes in. Jimin, on the other hand, is a quiet and thoughtful five-year-old boy with a heart of gold.

Their mother, Amelia, is a kind and gentle woman who does her best to shield her children from the harshness of the world outside their doorstep. But fails to shield them from the terrors of their home. She works long hours as a waitress in a local bar to make ends meet, while their father, Carter, has long since succumbed to the temptations of alcohol and is often seen stumbling home in a drunken haze.

On this particular evening, as the wind howls outside and the rain beats against the windows, Yoongi and Jimin huddle together in front of the crackling fireplace, the warmth of the flames providing some solace from the cold reality of their lives. Their mother sits beside them, a tired but loving presence, her hands wrapped around a cup of tea.

The front door bursts open, and in stumbles Carter, his eyes glazed over with intoxication and his words slurred. He stumbles towards the fireplace, his movements erratic and unsteady, before he turns to face Amelia with a look of pure malice in his eyes.

"You worthless woman," he slurs, his voice filled with venom. "Can't even keep a damn house clean."

Amelia's eyes fill with tears, but she remains silent, her body tense with fear. Yoongi feels a surge of anger rising within him, a protective instinct kicking in as he stands up to face his father. "You leave her alone!" He shouts, his voice filled with defiance. "You have no right to speak to her like that!"

Carter's drunken gaze turns towards Yoongi, his face contorting with rage. Before anyone can react, he lashes out, his hand connecting with Yoongi's cheek in a stinging slap. The room falls silent, the crackling of the fire the only sound in the suffocating atmosphere.

Jimin's eyes widen in shock as he watches his brother cradle his cheek in pain, tears streaming down his face. Without a word, he stands up and runs towards his father, his small fists raised in a futile attempt to protect his brother.

"You leave him alone!" he cries, his voice trembling with emotion.

Carter's drunken laughter fills the room, his eyes cold and cruel as he looks down at his children. "Ah, the boy finally speaks. You're too pathetic to be my son. I'm sure your whore mother slept with someone else."

Carter loses his temper and raises his fist to strike Jimin, but before he can land the blow, Yoongi jumps in front of his brother, bravely shielding him from their father's wrath. Carter's fist connects with Yoongi's head instead, causing him to stumble back in pain. But he stands his ground, determined to protect his younger sibling at all costs.

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