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28th May, 2009

dna - lia marie johnson

Growing up in a mentally abusive household, Hoseok quickly learned that he couldn't rely on his parents for support or guidance. His parents were consumed by alcoholism, their lives dictated by the bottle and their emotions always on edge. Hoseok never knew what mood they would be in from one moment to the next, so he learned to navigate the turbulent waters of his home life with caution and resilience.

As the only child in this toxic environment, Hoseok often felt like he was walking on eggshells. He learned to tiptoe around his parents, never knowing what might set off another explosion of anger or tears. He became an expert at blending into the background, at disappearing into his own world of daydreams as a means of escape from the relentless chaos that surrounded him.

From a young age, Hoseok had to learn how to take care of himself. His parents were often too drunk to remember to feed him or take him to school, so he had to fend for himself. Despite the neglect he faced at home, Hoseok still managed to find ways to survive on his own.

Every morning, Hoseok would wake up to his parents passed out on the couch from the night before, leaving him to scrounge for scraps of food in the kitchen. He would carefully ration what little he could find, making sure to save some for later in case his parents were too drunk to cook dinner again.

School was another challenge for Hoseok. With no one to take him, he would walk himself to school each day, his small backpack slung over his shoulders as he trudged through the streets alone. Sometimes he would pass by other children playing with their parents, and a pang of jealousy would wash over him. He longed for the same sense of security and love that they had, but he knew that he would never find it at home.

Despite his difficult circumstances, Hoseok was determined to make something of himself. He studied hard in school, determined to break free from the cycle of poverty and negligence that he had been born into. He poured himself into his schoolwork, finding solace in the pages of his textbooks and the promise of a better future.

Despite her hardships, Hoseok never lost hope. He held onto a deep sense of inner strength and determination, knowing that he was capable of overcoming any obstacle that came his way. He refused to be defined by his circumstances, and instead, he used them as motivation to strive for a better life. Hoseok also found solace in the kindness of others.

He would often ask neighbours for leftovers from their meals, and they would happily oblige. He was grateful for their generosity, knowing that without it, he would have gone hungry many times over. Their small acts of kindness reminded him that there was still goodness in the world, despite the darkness that loomed over his own home.

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