Crimson Tears

49 11 8

12th October, 2023

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12th October, 2023

best part - daniel caesar, h.e.r.

As you straighten the duvet in Jungkook's bedroom, the morning sunlight plays a game of peek-a-boo with the clouds, casting a gentle glow that dances across the walls. The soft hues of pink and orange mingle with the shadows, creating a serene and peaceful atmosphere. You take a moment to admire the way the sunlight filters through the blinds, illuminating the room in a magical light.

The rhythmic melody of raindrops tapping against the window adds to the symphony of tranquillity that envelops the room. Each drop creates a soothing rhythm, like a lullaby that lulls you into a state of peaceful contemplation. You close your eyes and let the sound wash over you, feeling a sense of calm wash over you like a warm embrace.

Lost in the serenity of the moment, you take a deep breath and exhale slowly, letting go of all the stress and worries that have been weighing you down. The world outside seems to vanish, leaving only you and the peaceful haven you have created within those four walls. The soft click of the bedroom door opening breaks the stillness, and you turn to see Jungkook standing in the doorway, his silhouette outlined by the bright light flooding in from the hallway.

There is an aura of comfort that always accompanies Jungkook, a magnetic pull that draws you to him effortlessly. Jungkook crosses the room with purposeful steps and envelopes you in his arms, a familiar gesture that never fails to make your heart flutter. In his embrace, you find solace, a sanctuary from the chaos of the outside world. It is as if all your anxieties and uncertainties melt away in the warmth of his touch, leaving behind a deep sense of belonging and contentment.

"Good morning, angel," Jungkook hums, his breath caressing your neck. You lean back into him, savouring the warmth and security of his touch.

"Morning," you coo softly, your fingers tracing the contours of his arms. "How's Sage doing?"

Jungkook sighs, his brow furrowing with concern. "Not great, she's struggling. Namjoon's staying with her today."

Your heart aches for her. Sage has been through so much, and the thought of her struggling fills you with a deep sense of empathy. "She's a fighter. She'll get through this, I know it."

"I know," Jungkook nods in agreement. You turn your attention back to making the bed.

A mischievous glint sparks in Jungkook's eyes, and you can't help but chuckle at the familiar expression. "You know, I wouldn't bother making it, I'm burning them sheets to rid them off, Noah," he insists, his voice lowered to a playful rumble.

"Play nice," you swat his arm lightly, a teasing smile playing on your lips.

Before you can react, Jungkook swiftly scoops you up, eliciting a surprised squeal from you as he drops you onto the bed, his body hovering over yours. The intensity between you shifts and you feel your heart racing with anticipation.

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