The Consequences of Love

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code mistake - corpse, bring me the horizon

As the masked figures move in closer to your friends, their malicious grins sending shivers down everyone's spines, a sudden gunshot rings out through the air. A bullet soars through the sky, piercing into the head of the masked figure holding Sage hostage. You all watch as the figure crumples to the ground, the red mask slipping off to reveal a face twisted in pain.

"Never missed a shot," Hoseok's voice crackles through the earpiece, his presence unseen in the shadows.

Taking advantage of the momentary distraction, Yoongi leaps into action. With his lightning-fast reflexes and expert combat skills, he surprises two of the masked figures with swift strikes. His body moves with a fluidity that seems almost otherworldly, his movements precise and calculated. His knife flashes in the dim light with deadly intent.

His movements are so fluid and precise that they seem almost choreographed. The sharp steel slices through the air with a hiss as it cuts into the surprised figures before they can even react. The first figure goes down with a cry of surprise, clutching at the wound on his arm. The second figure turns towards Yoongi with a look of shock, but he is already on him.

His reflexes allow him to dodge his clumsy swing and deliver a devastating blow to the figure's midsection. Jungkook takes advantage of the chaos to take out another figure with a well-aimed shot. The sound of the gunshot echoes through the area, momentarily startling the remaining figures. Jungkook doesn't hesitate to aim once more, he fires off three more shots in rapid succession. 

Bang, bang, bang. Three figures fall to the ground, their bodies limp in the dark night. The echoes of the gunshots seem to linger in the air, a haunting reminder of the violence that has erupted in the night. But to Jungkook, it is just another step in the dance of death that he has become so familiar with.

Adrenaline courses through Jin's veins as he picks off his enemies one by one. He moves swiftly and silently, taking advantage of the chaos that surrounds him. The sound of gunfire still ringing in the night, but Jin's shots are precise and deadly. The chaos around him is like a symphony of destruction, with bullets flying in every direction and the sound of screams filling the air.

But Jin is focused on his target. He ducks behind a broken wall for cover, he hears the sound of footsteps approaching. Without hesitation, he peeks out and aims, his finger tightening on the trigger as he locks onto his next target. His shot is clean and efficient, the enemy slumping to the ground without a sound. Jin's heart pounds in his chest, the rush of battle fueling his every move.

You, Namjoon, and Jimin join in, your weapons blazing as you lay waste to the enemy forces. Each member of the team moves with precision and skill, their movements coordinated like a well-oiled machine. Namjoon slides into cover beside Jin, his eyes steely and focused as he provides cover fire for his teammates.

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