|11| I Have Your Sweater

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|I Have Your Sweater|

We drove for some time before Ace pulled into an abandoned-looking parking lot. The building next to it looked just as bad. The windows were broken. The doors looked rusty and old. The brick was falling apart at the seams. Maybe I should have just stayed in school. At least the building didn't look like it'd cave in at any minute. This was scarier than expected.

Getting out of the car, I crossed my arms over my chest, staring at the building. The only thing giving me any ounce of comfort was Ace's sweater that I had on. It was soft, warm, and smelled exactly like him. The thought of going into the building was less daunting while wearing it. Or maybe I was just horny. The man was just so attractive. I'm still terrified, even with that thought. What kind of friends meet up at old, creepy buildings?

Ace smirked, looking at my face in amusement. "Don't tell me you're chickening out now." He chuckled.

I gulped, still feeling fearful but not willing to admit it. "No...the building is just creepy."

"Just stay close behind me," he said, walking straight for one of the rusted doors.

Trailing behind him, I made sure to stay close as the door slowly closed behind us. The echoing in the hall didn't make this place feel homey. Especially not with the lights flickering on and off the way they were. Did he and his friends meet here all the time? How could anyone stomach walking through this place? It had this menacing feeling that was hard to shake off. Yet Ace seemed fine with the whole thing. None of this was bothering him, and it amazed me.

I wasn't as strong as he was, so I immediately wrapped my hands around his torso. Shocked by this, Ace stops in his tracks to look at me. The way his body tensed up made me second-guess grabbing him. It also didn't help that I sort of wanted to keep touching him. His body is immaculate, and it felt even better in my hands. It was hard keeping them from exploring. Why did he have to do this to me?

He looked back in front of him to avoid eye contact with me. "Don't tell me you're scared again," I could feel him smirking.

"N-no," I stuttered. "You're just comfortable."

He gave me that chuckle he always pushed out before placing one of his hands on mine. A jolt instantly rushed through me, but I ignored it. I couldn't tell what that meant or if it even meant anything. Ace and I have been strangely connected since we met. This time was no different from when we were in the kitchen. Just less intense and not a lot of eye contact.

I should have known he wouldn't believe me when I said I was not scared. The minute his hand touched mine, Ace swiftly moved me in front of him with his hands moving around my waist. My cheeks flushed from his touch, hoping he would pull me closer to him. I may not know everything about him, but I sure did love his body. That was enough to clear up some sexual tension, right? Too bad Ace would never make that move.

"Well then, I guess you're going to have to be in front," he whispered.

My cheeks were still tinted red as he held me in his arms. He didn't let go, either, guiding me to where we needed to go. Eventually, we got to a door, and I could hear muffled sounds on the other end. How many people did he have to meet? It sounded as if a party was going on in there. Who throws a party in the afternoon, though? All my questions just led to more confusion.

Before he could open the door, Ace turned me, facing him with a serious look on his face. There was no avoiding my eyes this time, and it's obvious he didn't want to. His goal was to get me to understand how important it was to follow what he said. After all, he would know best in this situation.

"Listen to me; don't look anyone in the eye; don't ask questions; and again, stay close to me." He reiterated.

My head nodded, agreeing to his rules. "You got it." I smiled softly.

Bodyguard: Ace CainWhere stories live. Discover now