Little Mermaid

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Sailors know of sirens, the creatures that can draw men to their deaths. But that's only if they feel desire for such things.

Douma one night would fall into the sea.

The crashing of waves nearly engulfs the sound of a woman humming in his ear. He was on his side when he coughs up the last of the water from his lungs.

He hears the splash of water and he sits sharply up.

He searches and searches for the woman who must be a siren.

For how else can he explain the enchantment?

The prince born with no emotions felt something and he wanted to feel it again.

A beauty would find her way into his care. He smiles and introduces her to his world. Blue hair and emerald eyes to go with her face so innocent.

Too bad she could not speak.

Not that she needed to when he spoke for them, asking all the questions, ending them with yes or no.

Another beauty would come, this one with purple hair and venomous eyes.

But her voice was like that day.

Douma...didn't want her company.

What ticked him off was how the woman used her voice. It didn't make sense. How can someone with a scowl, wanting to be in his company, be the one that saved him that day?

He also didn't feel anything that day.

"Kotoha... you had two weeks. You'll die if he doesn't die or kiss you." Shinobu had come to shore, using her voice. She was her guard, not gifted to speak above water. So she would use her voice that was taken from her.

Kotoha curled to hide her head in her knees.

She couldn't kill him.

His council had made the wedding happen against his will.

Douma sighs as he looked down at the woman who smiled and waved, sickly sweet with how she used her voice.
Before the wedding began, the sun setting in the distance, he goes to find the one that should be by his side.

Douma finds her on the railing, looking at the crashing water.

She would look up at him, magic hour making her more marvelous than before.

He laughs bringing her into a hug, a sob coursing through her as she cries into his chest.

No...he wouldn't marry another.

So without thinking, he pulls her into the ocean, hoping to drown with her. Kissing her as water fills his lungs when he pulls back.

He does drown.

His fading moments are to see a light and lips landing on his again.

He would once again cough up water from his lungs.

"Douma!" There's that voice. Genuine and felt like it belong to the one that spoke.

He looks up, panting and grinning up at those crying eyes.

"Can you sing for me, my dear?" She laughs through her tears, nodding and Douma can't help but let his head fall back, clenching to her hand as she sang a lullaby as the night continues on.

When he does sit up he asks her name.


Douma felt his heart jump and he couldn't help but kiss her again. They fall against the sand, the stars their witnesses, and the waves muting everything else.

His guards would find him a few days later. It was a small island a few clicks away from the one he calls home.

His arm would curl around Kotoha who blushes as he kisses her cheek.

It was fun telling his council that he eloped with the one that had his heart.

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