She Knew

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She pulled away when he had gone to reach out for her. The tip of his claws falls as his hand remains up. Douma tilts his head, stopping the excited trot he had done to catch up to Kotoha.

The young mother had her arms tight around Inosuke. She was pale and seemed as though she hadn't slept well.

"Sorry, Douma-sama-' She hadn't called him that for some weeks now. '-I don't think Inosuke is ...I think he may be sick this morning. I don't want him to cough on you."

Douma watches as she leaves him alone in the hallway.

Inosuke looked fine, even for a baby.

For the next few days, Kotoha avoids him.

The demon didn't quite understand why his new favorite human was going out of her way to stay away from him.


Douma bites into his finger as he sits on his beanbag throne. He falls back, slinging his leg across the cushion, and looks to the ceiling.

Oh, does she have a crush on him?

Douma does begin to notice she isn't eating. The women she would have watched Inosuke had told him she hadn't allowed them to take care of him in the last few days.

She was hanging out more outside in the sun. It bums Douma a bit that he was losing precious time to spend with her.

He had hoped if her feelings were true, then she could rub off on him.

She was tired.

Her eyes were so heavy but she couldn't let her guard down.
Inosuke whimpers and Kotoha can only smile sadly down at her son.

"I'm sorry Inosuke..I just.."

Inosuke cries out when Kotoha slumps on herself. Her current position was against a tree, away from the view of many.

Good thing the sun was going down.

It was so warm.

Kotoha brings the futon closer to herself, her bones aching after being vigilant since the night she discovered the horrible truth.

A happy babble could be heard. Inosuke must be up, amusing one of the young women with his actions. A small sound of the wooden floor planks could be heard as weight moved.

"Inosuke-chibi, you are just so adorable. Your mother however needs her rest, let's be quiet." A soft coo was his reply.

Douma looks to Kotoha's form, having not moved since he set her down. He had found her with a grumpy and concerned Inosuke just after sunset.

He brought her to his room and was now entertaining Inosuke till he fell asleep.

But it seems now he would have to wait for both to fall asleep. Her heartbeat was higher and Douma could only conclude she was simply panicked at Inosuke not being in her arms.

Good instincts, better than his own mother from what he knows of.

Douma had taken Inosuke for a small walk, getting him a snack to gnaw on when the panic heartbeat reached his ears.

"Hm?" Douma enters back in and finds Kotoha in tears. The moment she sees Inosuke, confused at the state of his mother, Kotoha stretches her arms out for her son.

With long strides, Douma gives the boy back and finds her curling away from him once more.

Perhaps she doesn't have a crush on him.

"Kotoha-chan, what's wrong? Did something happen?" Kotoha through her closed eyes, hugging Inosuke close shakes her head.

She swallows taking a moment to wipe her tears. Her hands were trembling. Douma only studies her thinking it odd how she changed from being at peace at his temple to this state.


"Oh? Of what Kotoha-chan?"

Her emerald eyes focus on Inosuke who finishes his rice snack.

"I'm afraid for Inosuke."

Douma takes a moment to think about the possibility as to how she got to this conclusion.

"Kotoha-chan, you have nothing to worry about. Your husband won't be able to reach you here. This is my domain." Her heart seems to speed up at that.


His eyes dull a bit.

Did she..know?

He studies her.

In opposition to his followers who love him with all their hearts, Kotoha has learned to fear him.

He doesn't give any sign he knows.

He continues to act as he does with his cult.

To show he only needs to act as a demon when hunger drives him to.

But his interest in her only grows by the day, watching her know the true him brings a thrill in his veins.

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