Chapter 2// Mini Cooper

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Chapter 2// Mini Cooper.




The alarm rings for the umpteenth time, but I think have an excuse. How could you possibly find the "dismiss" button when your head in under the covers? I blame my laziness on Austin. After I decided that I should give up, my arms gain enough energy (I don't know how or from where), I push up myself and jam my finger on the cursed button.

That's why I hate Mondays.

And I probably think the feeling's mutual.

I glance at the clock, and 8:00AM is what it says. Half an hour to get ready. Meh, more than enough time. After I finished the bathroom duties, I grab a black T-shirt that says "I hate Mondays" in hot pink-- I hate pink when it's alone, but as long as it joins black, I'm perfectly fine with it, and put on my skinny washed jeans and my black converse (unfortunately, I had to wear it only on one foot. *tears*.) After tying my hair in a pony-tail, I grab my back-pack and head downstairs.

"Good Morning Riley! Wow, the irony of your shirt, though." Mom exclaims. I chuckle and eat my breakfast in silence. After I finished, I go up to my room and brush my teeth. Glancing at my watch, 8:20AM is visible. 10 minutes left. "G' bye mom." I wave and leave.

"Hey Riley, wait up!" I hear Brent's voice shouting behind me. Brent is the joker at our school, Cameron's the cool guy, while Danielle is the golden one; perfect grades, perfect looks, perfect him. "I still can't believe you jumped from a window to another." Danielle says.

"I'm a kind of girl that never uses make-up, has a punching bag in her room and a drum set. Why would I not jump from a window to the other?" I explain. They all nod in defeat.


Chemistry and Austin cannot be in the same place. I'm experiencing it right now.

Firstly, I hate chemistry. It's all complicated and it's mostly about gases and useless stuff. As for Austin, he's sucking the face of a blonde bimbo in class. But luckily, Brent, Cameron, and Danielle are with me in this class. In fact, in every class. Which is good, they can keep my temper down. Sometimes.

"Ms. Brown! Are you paying attention?" Mrs. Stevens asks. Me. She asked me. She totally ignored Austin, and she's thinking I'm not paying any attention. She should be grateful I remember her name!

"What do you think, Mrs. Stevens?" I shrug.

"I think that you deserve detention!" She shouts.

"Then detention is what I get!" I mock her voice.

"Why do you have to be so rebellious?" She says, massaging her temples.

I gesture my T-shirt, earning some chuckles from the students. I plop on my chair back down. Then, a spit-wad flies through the air and lands on Mrs. Stevens cheek. I know it's Brent, it's definitely Brent. Her face flushes with anger as she flicks the spit-wad of her cheek. "Brent Bradley! DETENTION WITH RILEY BROWN!" She shouts. Brent is trying to hide a laugh, and I personally am trying, too, since her face looks like a tomato about to explode.

"Mrs. Stevens?" Austin calls.

"Yes, Austin?" She replies, but her anger seems to calm down. And it's bugging me. Please Austin, make her angry.

"I think that Riley and Brent are going to be lonely. Can I have detention too? They need a friend to play with!" Austin says in the voice of a 5 year-old and wears his award winning smile. The class laughs, while Austin stays smiling.

"DETENTION!" Mrs. Stevens shouts, then the bell rings, saving her from our stupidity.

Lunch time!

The boys and I go to our usual table, and I'll tell you how I got popular. I'm a rebellious 16 year-old, who almost takes detention every day. But, I'm a straight 'A' student. That's why the school can't suspend me. I'm a daredevil, okay, but I got good grades.

Austin got famous on his first day by his looks. (*Snickers*). He took the bad boy attitude, and the player's persona. So now he's probably somewhere, sucking the face of another desperate bish. And I couldn't care less. Snapping back to reality, I can see Jessica Cooper, the school's slut; advancing towards our table. Since I'm the only girl in the populars' table (Jessica doesn't sit with us, because apparently no one can stand her), I can take care of the boys.

"Hey boys," She purrs seductively, flicking Cameron's chin. "Haven't seen you in a while."

Brent is the most stubborn when it comes to her, while Cameron is the least. I can see him shiver under her touch. "Umm...Jessica? Would you mind leaving us alone?" I snap rudely. She glares at me, then ignores me. She ignored me. That stuck-up bish ignored me.

I yank her hand away and shoot her a sweet smile. "Are you sure your middle name is not Mini?" I say, and it takes everyone about 3 seconds to get the joke.

"Jessica Mini Cooper!" Some random girl shouts and everyone starts chanting it. Brent ruffles my hair, Cameron gives me a fist-bump and Danielle squishes me in a hug. I seriously feel like their little sister, but it's a good feeling though.

"What did I miss?" Austin says, coming out of nowhere. His hair's messed up, there's a lipstick mark on his cheek, and . . . is that a hickey?

I chuckle at how Austin looks, I don't think he realizes it yet. "What?" Austin asks me, confused. "Your . . . face!" I try not to let out a laugh, 'cause I know it'll be like the sound of a donkey and a goat's mutation. "What's wrong with my face?" He asks.

"You've got messed up hair." Cameron says.

"And a lipstick mark on your cheek." Brent exclaims.

"And I'm pretty sure that's a hickey." I gesture his neck.

I don't know if I'm the only person like this, but it somehow gets on my nerves when (some) boys have messed hair. Not that I'm a perfectionist or anything, but messed up hair looks good on some boys. And Austin isn't from the group of boys. His hair looks better spiked.

I get up from my seat and fix Austin's hair. It looks way better now. Maybe all the times I had to spike my brother's hair paid off. "Why did you fix my hair?" Austin whines.

"She isn't comfortable when some guys have messed hair." Danielle explains.

"You're acting like her brothers. When did you meet her?" Austin asks.

"Since first grade." Brent answers.

"Friends for 10 years?" Austin asks with wide eyes.

It takes us a few moments to realize that. 10 years. No fights at all.

"We've never fought for 10 years?" Danielle exclaims.

Brent mouths a "wow", then the bell rings.

You damned bell.

Hey guys! This chapter was not really hard to write, but I had some difficulties since writing in a house with your younger siblings isn't easy. They're always hungry! (*whispers* I'm always hungry...)

Anyways, *gasp* the main character humiliated the slut! Will there be revenge?

Shut up mind.

This chapter's question is . . .
How long did it take you to understand Riley's joke about Jessica's name?

5 votes.
15 reads.

I've got a thing for fives . . .

See 'ya in the next chapter!

P.S. Next update:
Hopefully before this Tuesday.



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