Chapter 7// On A Saturday

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Chapter 7// On A Saturday.

"Riley, I-" Mom comes in saying, but I cut her off with a really loud sneeze. She is wearing her business suit, and holds a business bag. Oh great, she is going to work and will leave me here alone with Jake on a Saturday.

She walks over to me, puts her hand on my forehead, then she retreats it as if it just touched fire. "Riley, you're going to have to stay in bed for today. I'll get one of your friends." She mumbles.

"Okay." By this simple word I said, I could tell my voice changed. Oh well. I guess my fate said that I had to lose a weekend. Mom nods and leaves while getting out her phone.

"Okay, I'll tell her," Mom finishes, closing her phone. "Riley, I called Austin's mother and she said he could come. But don't worry about Jake, I'll drop him off to a friend's house. I'll be back at six o'clock sharp. Goodbye!" She says, closing the door after her.

Not bad, mama. You managed to make me happy for a day. That's an achievement.


The door bell rings, cutting me from my thoughts.

Austin's here!

I jump from my bed and run to the door. "Who is it?" I tease.

"Riley!" He shouts.

"I believe I'm the only Riley in the neighborhood!"

"Riley! Open the door..."

"Why would I open it to stranger?"

"Ugh, fine." He says, and I her his footsteps go away. I was about to open the door, but I'm stopped when my window opens and in comes Austin.

"It was a good decision to put the couch here." He states after dropping from the window and falling on the couch. I chuckle in reply. He stands up, his hair looking ruffled. I used to hate it before, but now it's as if I got used to it.

He looks cute-


I said cute?

Is my dignity still there?

"You can stop staring." Austin smirks, tapping my nose. I wrinkle it in reflex, while he goes to the kitchen. "Riley's cupboard. Your mom did that?" He shouts from the kitchen. When I enter, I'm surprised to find a cupboard with words on it. It says 'Riley's Cupboard'.

Seriously mom? Seriously?

I open it, and I can feel my eyes light up. "The glory!" I exclaim, grabbing a skittle pack. There was all kinds of food that a teen would want. And by saying 'all kinds of food', I mean two large Pringles, Skittles, Hershey bars, and Chocolate chip cookies.

I open the skittle pack, popping a blue one in my mouth. "Can I have one? Only one?" Austin pleads, pouting.

One shouldn't affect him.

"Okay, fine. Which one do you want?" I ask. I've met people who are stuck up when it comes to Skittles. Seriously.

"A yellow one!" He blurts out.

I get him a yellow one, and he stares at it before eating it. I eat another blue one, but probably choke it out at what he said.

"I just ate a yellow one, and you ate a blue one. Wanna make green?" He says, wiggling his eye-brows at me. I slap his arm, while I can see some mischief in his eyes. We stare at each other, for what seems like eternity. It's like as if I can't look away.

"We're totally having a moment." Austin mumbles, fighting the urge to smirk.

"And you ruined it." I chuckle.

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