Chapter 21// Inside Out And Ice-Cream

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"Will you go out with me?"


"Will you go out with me?"

Oh wow. Me. Him. Going out. Wow.





That's what happens when someone asks you out. Out of nowhere.

No, don't agree. This is just one of his 'player' ways.

Oh c'mon, it's worth a try.

He's a PLAYER. It's in the name. He makes you fall for him, breaks your heart, then walks away like nothing happened.

But the end is always a happy ending!

This isn't a movie. Life is more of a horror movie. Or those boring, 70s Hollywood movies.

It was really a hard choice. I mean, I'm friends with a player... he'll then break my heart. I know it.

Pros and cons time.

- He's a bad boy. They're always fun.
- He knows me more than anyone else.
- He's hot and cute at the same time.

- He's a player.
- He's popular which means more slutty females for me to swat away.
- He's a player.

"Maybe." I muttered.

Perfect. Choice.

He arched his eyebrow, in a challenging way, then grabbed a-

Is that a guitar?

Why does he have a guitar? Does he even know how to play it?

He cleared his throat, and started singing:

"Tale as old as time,
True as it can be,
Barely even friends,
Then somebody bends,

That voice. The Liam Payne/Luke Hemmings voice. I'm going to die. 

"Just a little change,
Small, to say the least,
Both a little scared,
Neither one prepared,
Beauty and the beast."

He's singing Beauty and the beast for me?

"Ever just the same,
Ever a surprise-"

"Okay, you can stop now," I mumbled. "Why were you singing?"

"I won't stop singing until you agree."


"Go out with me."


"Because I want to go out with you."

"As in a date?"

"If you want." He winked.

I rolled my eyes, grinning. "Fine-"

"Great! I'll pick you up today at 3. Night!" He said closing his window.

I just stayed there, smiling like a fool.

I'm going out with someone.

Not just anyone though.



"Huh?" I mumbled, half asleep.

"You've been sneaking a few seconds of sleep every now and then! Didn't you sleep well?" Mom asks, looking away from the TV.

I stifled a yawn, looking at the clock.

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