Chapter 10// No Luck With Prom

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Chapter 10// No Luck With Prom

Luck didn't support me in finding a prom date. No one asked me. Okay, maybe almost all of the male seniors asked me, but no one decent asked me.

"Um, Riley?" A boy asked me. I think his name was Spencer...

"Yes, Spencer?" I sigh. He's definitely going to ask me to prom.

"Would you like to be my prom date?"

"I think Selena Benson would like that honor." I point to a fair-skinned brunette not that far away. Spencer frowns a bit, then looks back at me. "C'mon, try yourself." I pat him on the shoulder.

Soon enough, he walks over to her, and I'm pretty sure she agreed, since smiling a 900 watt smile and wrapping your arms on a guy means she excitedly said- more like yelped -a yes. I give him the thumbs up and walk away.

Okay, I'm no matchmaker but everyone knows they both crush on each other. And I did this on every guy that asked me. Including Brent, Cam, and Dan. I haven't seen Austin ask anyone yet, but I think the girls were way too desperate to actually ask him for prom. And every time he replied with a flat no.

I had to give a lot of replies and rely on my matchmaking skills the past few days. It is now Friday, so I've used this strategy for 3 days in a row.

"You should ask Tessa Greene, I'm sure she'll say a yes."

"You know, Jackie Underwood just told me that she'd really love it if you'd ask her."

"I'm no matchmaker, but you and Taylor Ryan would make a great couple."

All those replies were answered by blushes, but eventually, the guys were running out, which was really great. It ended the process of me thinking of a creative way to say, "Go and ask her."

But for your information, some of the male seniors wrote the question on papers, and passed it to me in sessions! So I didn't get any mercy. Not in subjects, lunch, or hometime.

As I was walking to Lunch, I found Austin with a group of girls surrounding him with pleading faces. As soon as he sees me, relief covers his face. "Riley!" He smiles, and gives me a fist-bump.

"What's with the cheery greeting?" I ask.

"The girls won't leave me alone!" He whispers, almost hisses.

"That's my expertise." I chuckle, walking over to them. Just as they see me, a proud, confident blonde smirks in my face.

She was the total definition of a plastic. Platinum blonde, wavy hair, emerald eyes, pouty lips and tall nails. As well as tight clothes. She looked like the unknown identical twin of Regina George. What was surprising was that it wasn't Jessica.

"Ah, you must be Riley. I'm Alexandra Martin, the girl who will be the hottest and most popular in this school." She extends a tall-nailed, French-manicured hand towards me.

Ooh! A proud newbie. At has been a while since we had one like that. This is going to be very fun...(No sarcasm here.)

I push her hand away with my finger, showing a disgusted face. "As you said, I'm Riley Brown. The girl who gave no f*cks at all."

It was then when I realized a crowd has formed around us by the "oohs", "aahs", and "burns".

"Oh? I'm pretty sure you don't know who you're messing with." She says, narrowing her eyes and fakes a smile.

"Show me what can you do, Plastic."

She tries to slap me, but I blocked it.

"Too late." I snicker.

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