Chapter 16// Being A Jealous Girlfriend Isn't Nice

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Everything froze when his lips touched mine- no, crashed.



My mind was overflowing, yet blank. Which made it hard to think straight.

What am I supposed to do?

Kiss him back.


Because you like him.

Do I?

But what was weird was that the kiss seemed familiar. Plus, why would Austin crash his lips on mine?

Is this even Austin?

When he pulled back, I punched him. Like a punch with so much force that you hear a crack.

Why did I punch him? Because simply it wasn't Austin.

I punched Trystan.

Where was Austin? I have no idea.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" I spit, facing Trystan.

"Why did you punch me?" He asks with actual curiosity.

"Because you are a fucking idiot, that's why." I spat back, slapping him.

He's on a winning streak tonight. It's called being an asshole.

Before he could say anything else, I ran out the door and down the stairs.

Where could Austin be?

He definitely won't be in the gym, hell, not even inside the building.

I went out, a warm breeze flowing against me. I ran to every possible place inside the school's property.

He's not in the soccer field, nor the football one.

He's not in the basketball court, nor the track field.

He's not under that big oak tree that nerds sit under, nor any other place.

I sighed, slumping on a bench.

I sat there for a moment, closing my eyes and my brain.

Suddenly, my eyes shot open, as a place I hadn't searched registered in my mind.

I quickly ran to the back of the school, silently promising myself that I'll never run in heels again, because I think I've had enough suffering tonight.

I sigh in relief, as I spot his face.

But... it wasn't like how I expected it. I don't even know what I expected.

He was staring at the grass, fiddling with a daisy.

"Austin?" I mumble, straightening myself.

"Why are you here?" His reply shocked me, like, really shocked me.

"Why are you here, alone?" I asked, ignoring his question.

"Let's say that this stem," he points to the flowers stem, "is me. If this happens," he pulls out a petal, "wouldn't it hurt?"

I managed to nod, confused at what he was doing.

"If this happens," he pulls out the whole top, petals and all, "how would it feel?" He said, raising an eye-brow.

I was taken aback. What is he doing?

"I don't understand your point." I muttered, frowning.

He stood up, facing me. "Well, there was something beating in my chest. Like a drum. It was called a heart. When a certain scene happened, there was a big hole in it." He paused. "How would it beat if there was a hole in it?"

"Every drum can be fixed." I said, remembering the countless times my drum set had holes in them.

"Some people can't afford fixing them." He said, walking away.

I just stood there, too shocked to react.

"But some can." I mumbled to myself, looking down.

I felt a sudden burst of hope inside me, but it was little.

I smiled to myself, thinking about my plan.

Austin, being a jealous girlfriend isn't nice.

Hey guys! I'm really, really sorry that this chapter was short, but I had to put a CLIFFHANGER!

Yes, I'll use caps lock every time I use that word.

I got good news!

There's NO ABSOLUTE WAY I'll finish this story soon.

Even though Riley's graduation is like... 2 weeks away, but I've got something to get her busy in the summer!

Plus, I think I'll make a sequel.

Anyways, don't forget to comment, vote, and follow!

P.S. I know none of you would do the last one. If you did... then hallelujah!

See ya!

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