Chapter 5// Tuesdays- My Arch Enemies

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Chapter 5// Tuesdays- My Arch Enemies.

This chapter is dedicated to @FaithChange for voting to my previous chapters!

"Ding dong!" Lilah says as the doorbell rings. "I'll get it!" I shout, running to the door. It better be mom.

Yup, I was right. "Hi sweetie! How was the . . . babysitting session?" She smiles.

"It was . . . one of a kind." I recall.

"She almost got kidnapped!" Brent shouts. I slap him on the arm playfully. At least that's what I thought. "Ow!" He whines, rubbing his arm. I look at mom, hoping that she still has that smile, but she looks serious. And she's glaring. Shiz, mom's a Taurus. And one thing I hate is when she's angry, because I'll end up with one thing. Either dead from the amount of natural disasters from Mother Nature and mom, or grounded.

I'm hoping for the latter.

"Riley Victoria Brown! You are grounded for two weeks! You won't go outside without adult supervision, no video games and no i-Pads! Your phone will only be allowed at certain times!" She shouts, so hard that I'm pretty sure she exploded a blood vessel. I nod, wiping the spit off my cheeks.

She goes to her room, and slams the door. As soon as that happened, I'm shaking Brent with the collar of his shirt. "I should have never said anything!" I say.

"An angry Aries is probably worse than an angry Taurus!" Brent squeaks.

"Well guess what? You're dealing with an angry Aries right now!" I say and give him the shoulder twist.

At first, no emotion was written across his face besides confusion. Then suddenly, his mouth forms an 'O' and his hand clutches his shoulder while he sinks to the ground. "Ow . . ." He squeaks.

Coincidentally, all the guys' phones ring at the same time. They pick up, and it turned out to be their moms, telling them to go back home. "G'bye!" Austin says, following the guys outside. Now it's just me and mom. She isn't sleeping, which is bad. Mom's angry at me and she's in the same house.

I should probably hide all the knives from the kitchen.

And frying pans.

She might have some Rapunzel skills.

I heard her door open, which sets my heartbeat to be as fast as you when your cousin takes your phone and runs away. I mentally let out some profanities that I don't usually say in public.

"Riley," Mom calls in that worrying calm voice, "We need to talk."


Why do you have to do all this just 'cause I was about to be kidnapped? It's not my fault!

It is somewhat my fault since I chose to leave the house--

"Riley." Mom calls.


I'm too young to die!

But apparently my legs have different thoughts. The next thing I know, I'm in mom's room.

"If you think that this is about the 'almost kidnapped' thing, then you're wrong." Mom quotes.

My eye-brows furrow in confusion, but I stay silent. I don't need any words slipping out of my mouth that will make mom angry.

"It is about something else. Actually, two things."

"And they are?" I question.

"First, your dan-" I didn't quite hear it, so it sounded like dan. "is coming to visit."

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