Chapter 13// Shopping Day

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Chapter 13// Shopping Day.

"Riley, wake up!" A voice says in a sing-song tone.

Wait, today's a Saturday. Why do I have to wake up?

"Riley, it's 12 o'clock! C'mon wake up!"

"Mom..." I whined. "You never wake me up on time, let alone a Sunday."

"You better wake up young lady or I won't give you your phone!" She threatens.

"What is up with people and calling me "young lady"? Before, it was Austin. Now, it's you?"

"You don't even know the reason I'm waking you up."

"Why did you wake me up?"

"We have to go shopping!"

I cough. And I think I choked on something. Mom kept patting my back, while I tried to breathe.

Shopping? Me? Are you sick, dear mother? Do you have fever? Have you never heard of Riley-and-shopping-are-polar-opposites-that-they-won't-even-attract?

"Shopping?" I finally gasp out.

"Yes, to buy you a prom dress," I open my mouth to speak, but mom holds a finger out. "Don't even think about protesting! You have no idea how I'm happy that the ship is true!" She suddenly clamps her mouth shut.

"What ship?"

"Nothing!" She says too quickly, making me start getting suspicious.

"Mom." I warn.

"Okay, okay. Katherine and I made up a ship, which included Austin and you."

I decided to ignore that feeling down in my stomach, and my heart fluttering, and go shopping with mom.


3 shops. 18 dresses. 1 answer.

"No," Mom shook her head for the 18th time. "The sequins are too much."

I dragged my feet back to the changing room, and locked the door. My face plastered an emotion, and one emotion only: boredom.

I took off the green, sequined dress that reached my ankle, and threw it on the "unwanted" pile.

That was how things went.

I wore my normal clothes, and exited the changing room. Mom and I walked to another shop, and unfortunately it was Moonsoon.

Mom dragged/pulled me to the dresses aisle, and looked at all the dresses. They were either too puffy, too glittery, or too not-my-style. She pulled me back outside, and I was about to dance from happiness. This was the only time we entered a shop and left without trying on anything!

And then, I don't know how, I spot Austin a few meters away. He had the same expression I had, while he trails after his mother.

An idea popped in my head, and I started putting it in action.

Sneaking my way through the mall, and mom giving me weird looks, I was behind Austin in no time. Like right behind him. My hands shot up immediately, and covered his eyes.

I had to stand on my tip-toes, and Austin did nothing but stand still. Katherine, on the other hand, was trying to muffle her laugh terms with mom.

"Austin, guess who!" His mom laughed.

"Is it our lovely neighbor that agreed to going to prom with me?" He smiles, recieving happy squeals from the mothers.

I took my hands off his eyes, and just as I did that, his arms wrapped around my waist, trapping my arms in the process.

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