Chapter 4// Darned Hershey's

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Chapter 4// Darned Hershey's.

The door opens, silencing all of us but the speakers. "Riley? Where's Shake?" Lilah says, while poking her head through the door. "It's Jake." I correct.

"Where is he?" She repeats.

"In his room." I murmur while she (accidentally) slams the door. I got up, closed the speakers, and slumped on my desk chair. We then spent an hour lolly gagging while Austin makes obnoxious sounds.

"What time is it?" Cameron whines, hardly raising his hand. Before I could reply, Austin shouts, "IT'S SUMMER TIME!" Then he dances randomly. Thank god his Skittle pack is done. "Let's play Truth or Dare!" Danielle exclaims, while everyone else nods.

I spin my old water bottle, and it lands on Brent. "Truth or dare?" I ask.


"Who would you save, marry, and kill from the guys?"

"Um . . . I'd save Cameron, marry Danielle, and kill Austin."

Brent spins the bottle, and it lands on Austin, who's now sober from sugar high. "Truth or dare?" Brent asks with a smirk.

"Dare." Austin smiles.

"I dare you to play Seven Minutes in Heaven with Riley."

I felt all the blood rush to my face, making me blush like crazy. Before I know it, I'm pinning Brent to the wall. "Take. It. Back." I mumble. He gulps, and nods. I let him go, while he clears his throat. "The dare changed. I dare you to say rhyming things whenever you talk."

Austin huffs dramatically, then spins the bottle. "Truth or dare, in mine you should beware." Austin mutters to Cameron. "Truth."

"Who was your first crush, the one who got your blood to rush?"

"Jessica Cooper." Cameron sighs. "You should feel bad." I point to Cameron. "I already feel bad!" He states.

The game continues for another hour, and after that, we all sit around in the room, lolly gagging again. "Let's watch a movie!" Brent exclaims. "Again?" Cameron asks. "Yep." Brent nods, heading downstairs.

We agreed on watching the first movie of The Hunger Games. At the part where Clove died, I was already blinking away tears. Thresh. It was all because of freaking Thresh.

After two hours, the movie ended, with me still trying to blink away tears from Cato's death. I never thought that one movie could make you angry, happy, and sad in only two hours. "I'm hungry!" A voice interrupts us.

"What do you want to eat, Jake?" I groan.

"I want Hershey's!"

"What is up between kids and Hershey's? Well, too bad we don't have them."

"I hugged you because I wanted Hershey's! And now they're done!" Lilah-- coming out of nowhere -- says, stomping her foot.

"And what am I supposed to do?" I shrug.

"I need you to get me Hershey's!" Lilah whines.

I groan loudly, then head to the door. I heard some shuffling, and then footsteps follow me. "What are you doing?" I ask, opening the door.

"I'm accompanying you." Austin says in the 'duh' tone.

Damn it, I never really liked the thought of alone time with-- out of all the boys-- Austin.

I shake the thought out of my head and close the door behind us. "So where are we going?" Austin asks, putting his hands in his pockets.

"There's a little market down the street. Do you know how to skateboard?" I say, picking up my board. The design is probably every ideal girl's nightmare, but it's looks perfect to me. The background is black, there's a broken rainbow on it, and some 3D looking skulls. I'm pretty sure a kid once cried seeing me hold it.

"You're already blowing my mind." Austin mutters, staring at me.

"And why is that?" I raise an eye-brow on him.

"Well . . . I never thought you'd have a skateboard, let alone having that design." He points out, still staring.

After he realized he was staring, he walked a few steps to his house, got a skateboard, and stood beside me. "Yup, I know how to skateboard." He drops the board and places a foot on it.

"I figured," I drop mine and step on it. "Ready?"

"Go!" He shouts and we go whipping through the air.


"How much do we get?" Austin asks as we get face-to-face with the darned Hershey's.

"I guess two is enough." I shrug.

He yanks two out of the shelf. We go through a journey where we need to find the cashier, but the sweets aisle was on the opposite side of the market.

As soon as we reach the cashier, I'm already panting heavily and filled with cramps. Same goes with Austin.

After we pay for the bars-- by 'we' I mean Austin (he insisted. I simply couldn't refuse.) --we head home.

While we were in the process of 'who-should-hold-the-bag', some random hands clamp my mouth shut and my eyes close. I knew for sure that it was a kidnapper, so reflexively, I bit his hand and elbowed him on the sides. He fell on the floor groaning, and before I know it, Austin and I took off.


"We got the Hershey's!" I beam happily, thanking god that it is over.

"Finally!" Brent complains. "You have no idea how hard it is to take care of two, whining 3 year-olds!"

"I almost got kidnapped!" I recall.

"I paid for the Hershey's!" Austin points out.

"And I . . . gained 5 kilograms." Cameron laughs at Danielle's comment.

Hey guys! I have set up a new rule. I'll update every Saturday. Don't forget that. Don't.

Question of the chapter . . .
How would you describe Austin's skateboard?

I'd say it is red with . . . BLUE FLAMES! That would look cool.

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Comment, Vote, & eat Hershey's!

P.S. They taste amazing.


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