Chapter 18// The Craziest She's Ever Been

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To be honest, yesterday was horrible.

Be all means.

First it was the seating, then Trystan, then Austin acting like a diva.

I've always loved Saturday (today). I mean, who doesn't? It's like a break from what happens in the week.

I have a feeling today will be a good day. And even from the events. I woke up by my self, went to the kitchen, and there it was, a note on the fridge saying that mom took Jake for grocery shopping and will be back at four o'clock. So, I have a whole seven hours for me.

And Palice.

She was barking non-stop outside. Honestly, it was annoying.

I ran a brush through my hair, changed from my pajamas, and ran to the backyard.

"Palice! Stop-" I suddenly stopped mid-sentence, staring at what was infront of me.


So there was another dog, chewing on Palice's metal leash, and Palice was growling at him.

The other dog was a German Shepherd, wearing a red collar. A golden charm dangled from it, reading-

"Baruke?" I mumble, and he instantly sat, draping his tongue out.

What type of name is Baruke?

You're acting like Palice isn't weird enough.

Baruke started biting the metal chain again, and Palice started barking. Again.

Aww, Palice is being loyal.

"Baruke, stop biting the 10 dollar chain." I said, scratching Palice's neck.

He barked back at me, and boy, was it strong.

It wasn't only strong, no, it was loud, thick, low, and terrifying for a person that never lived with a dog. I almost flinched.

Palice whimpered, and lied on the grass, staring at me while Baruke continued chewing on the chain.

So... Baruke is trying to free Palice, thinking she's actually a stray dog, and Palice being the loyal dog she is, is totally against the idea.

Dang you, Baruke.

"Oh there you are!" A squeaky voice chirped. I recognized it instantly as Lillian's.

"Hey Lilly!" I waved to her from across the short hedge between our houses.

Baruke instantly barked again, making Palice whimper again.

"Do you want to know how I came up with his name?" She asked, smiling as Baruke rubbed his head on her cheek.

"How?" I didn't really care but half of me was hella curious.

"I wanted to name him Barbie, but Austin wanted to name him Luke, that boy from Star Wars. So mom chose Baruke." She rolled her eyes when she mentioned Luke, patting Baruke.

"Lilly-" Austin, who suddenly exited his house, said, but froze when he saw me.

Talk about awkward.

We're not enemies, but prom night got us bad memories. Now we're back to square one.

A rattling of chains interrupts us, and we all looked at-

"Palice?" I mumbled, looking at her.

She was jumping and barking and being so hyperactive that I was kinda creeped out.

She suddenly stopped, and her head whipped to look at me.

What the-

Before I could continue my thoughts, she jumped and lunged at my face. She started barking again, and I think the chain broke, since she suddenly left me and ran somewhere.

I got up, wiping the dirt off my back.

What has gone into her? I thought. She's the craziest she's ever been.

Her faint barks led me to where she is, which was our house, followed by a crash.

I sprinted through the house as quickly as possible, to find the house a literall mess.

For starters, the living looked like... I don't know, I mean- the pillows were scattered everywhere, the coffee table was on its side, the TV was heart stopping-ly leaning from side-to-side, but my reflexes were quick enough to stop it from falling.

Of course not before I tripped on the coffee table.

The Xbox and Wii were perfectly fine, thank god, and I mentally promised myself I'll clean later.

She ran from upstairs and was about to leave the house, until I grabbed the rest of her chain.

"Palice, sit." I demanded in a firm tone, and Palice sat without a second thought.

We went back outside as she finally calmed down. Palice went in her doghouse, sitting there.

I rubbed her head, but I suddenly froze as I remembered that I'll have to clean the living room. And who knows what she did upstairs.


"Die, bish, die!" I yelled at the TV, trying to kill the idiot that didn't know how to either aim or run away by frantically pressing the controller's buttons.

I swear to god he suddenly came out of nowhere, started shooting, which made me think his gun was having a seizure because of how high he was shooting. So I start shooting and he, over there, does literally nothing and stands like the straight version of the Pisa tower.

But that was all too good to be true. And my luck agreed since the game started lagging and the bullets were going through him as if he was a ghost.

I groaned really loud, and then closed the game.

I leaned back on the couch, thinking about prom night.

Why was Austin so mad all of a sudden? I don't remember doing anything wrong, besides, Trystan was the one who kissed me. I didn't kiss him back, I punched him.

The only possible option was that Austin would get mad because of Trystan, but again, why would he care?

Why are you even giving a shiz why was Austin mad?

Woah, easy there, a bit too agressive, don't you think?

Have you ever cared about someone that much? Besides K-


Why? Afraid to accept that she-


Why not?

Because I said so. Don't mention her name, don't think about her, don't remember how it all happened.



I miss her.

I guess sometimes life isn't fair.

My phone rang loudly, snapping me out of my thoughts.

Why is mom calling now?


"Riley," mom started quickly in a hurried voice, "come to St. Facile hospital! Chop chop!"

"Don't say 'chop chop', it's annoy-"

"I said quickly!"

"Okay, ok-" and she hung up on my face.



*Gasp*, someone's in the hospital!

Oh yeah, my dear readers, if you've read The School For Good And Evil, please tell me if it's worth a shot!

So I'll see you next week, bye!

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