Chapter 19// Your Heart Does 1,798 Beats Per Second

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This chapter is dedicated to bluelagoon841 for voting for all of my chapters!

I'm so screwed.

I'm so screwed.

I'm so screwed.

That's it, enough.

It's isn't enough! We're in mortal danger right now!

Driving to the hospital without a license isn't considered 'mortal danger'.

It is!

It's an emergency! We had to!

We could've gotten a taxi!

Ugh. Sometimes, you're unbelievable.

I sighed in relief as I parked in the hospital's parking lot.

"Now I'm safe." I mumbled to myself, shutting the car.

I had to borrow mom's other car, which was in the garage. And I know where mom hides her keys. So it was all a piece of cake. Except for the driving part. I had to rely on my previous attempts of having to drive a virtual car to pass levels on my brother's iPad.

He was the one that begged me.

I didn't have the chance to know why mom called me frantically to the hospital, but I didn't have anyone to ask.

Austin drove away with his bike when I finished cleaning the house, Lilly and his mother were nowhere to be seen-- but I assumed they were with mom and Jake. So, I had to suck it up and force my curiosity down.

Hospitals. I've never liked them.

Everything was so depressing there. You see people crying, others waiting for their death, doctors faking sadness, that smell.

I shuddered, the familiar smell filling my nostrils. Plus, I did get weird looks, since apparently walking around with your hands in your pockets and humming as low as possible to 'Am I Wrong' isn't what you see everyday in a hospital.

I was just about to ask the lady behind the counter, but then mom showed up-

With tears staining her cheeks?

"Riley! You're finally here!" She came and dragged me from my arm away to somewhere.

I guessed it was the room next, since Lilly, Jake and Mrs. Miller were waiting beside it.

"Riley!" Kathrine said, with teary eyes, too. She went up and hugged me.


Lilly was crying, Jake was soothing her, but what was missing was Austin.

Where is he?

Are we still going to ignore Jake and Lilly though? I mean, Lilly is sobbing on Jake's shoulder, and he has his arms wrapped around her. It's THE cutest scene ever!

"Kathrine Miller?" The doctor said as he came out of the room, holding some files.

"Yes?" The despair in Kathrine's voice was obvious from three seats away, and I speak from experience.

"Good news, he only has a few minor scratches. And luckily there aren't any bad news." The doctor said, handing her the files and leaving somewhere.

"I think Riley would like to go in first." Kathrine said, putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Riley?" Mom and I said in unison.

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