Chapter 22// But Shirts Are Useless!

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Rustle rustle.

And then something came out.

"Palice?!" Both Austin and I exclaim in disbelief. She only barks in reply.

I noticed that her collar was... chewed?

Baruke. It's all because of Baruke. He chewed her collar off and she went searching for me.

"Hey Austin, you might as well take care of your dog." I muttered, taking the ruined-to-pieces collar off Palice's neck.


"He set Palice free! She could've gotten lost! Or stolen! And he ruined her collar!" I whined; a hint of a smile on my face, betraying my try of being serious.

Damn you, brain.

"Look at the bright side: all of that could've happened, but it didn't. And that was probably an indirect test to show how loyal Palice is." Austin claims, chuckling nervously.

"Great try at defending your dog," I mutter, patting Palice's head. "Let's go home now."







I threw another stick.


"What?" He snapped, throwing open his window.

I let an unconscious sigh.

His eyes were narrowed at me—those perfect, grey-green eyes— his dark brown hair ruffled to perfection, his jaw clenching; and the best part: he wasn't wearing a shirt.

Why does he have a six-pack? Why, God, why?

He was resting his arms on the windowsill, his biceps flexing-

"I said what do you want?" He hissed, snapping me out of my trance.

"Mom and Jake left the house, and I'm bored. Can you come over?" I smiled sweetly, batting my eye-lashes.

He looked like he wanted to punch me.

Yet, he went and threw on a shirt.

Why do you have to wear a shirt?

Because he can't stay half-naked, heart.

But shirts are useless!

Shirts were invented for a reason; or else you'd be walking around in only your-

Shut up, brain.

It only took him about 5 minutes, which was when I heard the doorbell ring.


"Do you have food?" Austin muttered, pushing past me and walking- sorry, stomping to the kitchen.

I didn't need to answer, considering he already found some.

"What is up with you?" I asked, standing in front of him.

"Noshing." He mumbled; his mouth full of chips.

I crossed my arms, looking at him in the eye.

"I already said: nothing." He reasoned, grabbing another handful of the chips.

"Austin, you haven't said a joke ever since you woke up, what is wrong?" I demanded, stomping my foot.

"Would you like it if I said I was leaving?"

"Leaving my house?"

"No," he said, staring at me. "Not your house, but this-"



"What do you mean by state?" I frowned.

"As in this state. I'm sorry, but my mom got a job opportunity in Texas, and so I'll be moving."

I jerked my head an inch backwards.

Moving? From the state?

"B-but you-" I stopped, not knowing what to say.

I didn't have a valid reason.

I opened my mouth, but no words came out. It was like all the letters were jumbled in my throat, forming that familiar lump I hate.


A lot of feelings coursed through me.

Cry, don't cry.

Force a smile, don't force a smile.

Hope for the best, don't hope-

Don't hope.

The words echoed in the back of my mind, making me look down.

I spent years being positive, believing that my happiness was limitless. The only thing I could do then was share it, make everyone have it.

But now, happiness drained away.

Me- the source stopped working.

My mind started controlling my body, against my heart's will.

"I hope you have a good... life there." I croaked; my heart wanting to do the opposite, to thrash and do absolutely anything to keep Austin.


I guess this would probably be the last time I'd think of his name.

Maybe not everyone deserves a happy ending.

"Well, since I'll be leaving tomorrow, we better have fun today." He forced a weak smile, but to me?

It meant the world.

"Okay." I returned that exact same smile.

Well, at least things are going great.

For now...


Hey guys!

I have two words:

It's done.

The story is over.

No more.

Khalas. (That means no more in Arabic)

First off, I'd like to thank you guys for staying with me, supporting me, and for being great people.

I know this story is only about 20 chapters, but give me a break! It's only my very first story!

I have plans that I'd be writing new stories, but FORGET the idea of a sequel. Cause there won't be any.

I really enjoyed writing this story, even though it went on hold for months, yet I came back (behind my mom) and continued it. Anything for you guys.

Last thing, I have a Facebook page, and it's name is my username. You can ask me any questions there, and I'll (hopefully) answer soon.

P.S. Let the questions be appropriate, please.

See you in my next story!

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