Chapter 20// Okay, There's A Spider--

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"Are you sure about this?"


"Are you sure that you're sure?"


"Are you positively sure-"

"Yes, Austin, I am."

"Well, good luck." He says, giving my shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

"It's not like I'm going in Mr. Lynch's classroom! This is just the girls' locker room and I'll survive it."

Right now we're outside the girls' locker room in the football field, since we'll have P.E. in about five minutes. And if you haven't guessed, one of my favorite subjects is P.E., that I actually leave early to go there.

The reason we're standing outside is that the girls locker room is every man's nightmare. And mine too.

Here we go.

I took a deep breath, and opened the door. It automatically shut behind me, reminding me that there's no turning back.

Just as I inhaled, I immediately regretted it.

The smell of strong, bold, expensive perfume filled my nostrils, making me cough and my eyes started to tearing up.

I ran to the bathroom stalls, changed as fast as I can, then ran away. Literally ran away from the locker room.

You see, I don't go into the locker rooms at all, just a few times a year. I normally had to put up with the sweat for the rest of the day.

Austin was walking out of the boys locker rooms, laughing at my face.

"You- you looked like- like a skunk did it on your face!" He laughs, clutching his stomach and laughing as hard as possible.

"You don't know how horrifying it is in there!" I reason, trying to forget the smell of perfume. "I almost lost my sense of smell!"

A whistle interrupted me, making Austin suddenly stop laughing.

"Stop laughing like a girl and run 4 laps!" Mr. Doug yelled at Austin, making him jump up and run four laps.

"And you do 10 push-ups!" He yelled at me, pointing at the ground.

"But I don't know how-"

"10 more push-ups!" He yelled again before leaving.

I struggle with 5 push-ups, and he wants me to do 20?

P.E. is still one of my favorites though.


The bell rang, making everyone sigh in relief. I didn't do anything but continue lying on the grass, and guess what, it took me the whole session trying to finish the 20 push-ups.

And I'm not looking forward to going back into the locker room. I'll just have to wait two more sessions and we go home.

I finally understand 'home sweet home'.

Austin chuckled when he saw my state, lending a hand.

"I'm too lazy to get up." I groan, pushing his hand away.

"I guess then you leave me no choice."

Before I could ask him what he meant by that, I was picked off the floor. Bridal style.

"Austin! Put me down!" I shrieked, as it took me by surprise.

"You didn't want to get up, so I'll have to carry you."

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