Chapter 3// Babysitting

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Chapter 3// Babysitting.

Five days later . . .




I groan in my sleep, well, not really sleep anymore. Something's tapping on my window. I yank the covers off me, and try to remember where is the clock . . . Found it.

9:00 AM.

Who is the freaking grasshole that decided that waking me up at nine o'clock on a Saturday morning was a good idea?

Of course.


I open the balcony, my eyes narrowing to adjust in the amount of lighting in front of me. "Yes?" I snap.

"I just wanted to say good morning, no need to be so grumpy!" Austin shrugs.

"I-- Grumpy? You woke me up at nine o'clock on a Saturday morning! How can I not be grumpy?" I almost shout.

He stares at me blankly. "You look cute with your bed hair." He smirks.

"FYI, my bed hair looks worse than Anna's hair on the coronation day in Frozen. So . . . stop flirting." I huff in reply, shutting the door of my balcony. I try to go back to sleep-- but when I wake up, I cannot sleep again until it's nighttime. That's something I hate about myself.


"Can we play Mario Carts? Please?" Jake, my brother, whines. "Are you blind? I'm playing BattleField! And the last time we played Mario Carts you lost and acted like a 3 year-old!" I recall. "I am 3!" He huffs and stomps to his room.

"Riley, could you please close the game and listen to me?" Mom says, walking into the living room. I paused the game and shifted my stare to hers. "Yes, mom?"

"I meetings to attend, so, since I know you can't handle Jake by yourself, I got some babysitters." She pauses in case I have any objections. In fact, I do.

"Babysitters? As in plural?" I ask.

"Jake can call them babysitters, you can call them your friends."

"My friends? All of my friends are boys! They'll know nothing about babysitting!"

"Brent has a sister, Danielle has a brother and Cameron has both. They must know a few things about babysitting! Oh yeah, Austin's coming too."

I don't have a problem when my friends are coming over, but five people to take care of Jake is a really small amount. He needs about thirteen men and seventeen women to fill his needs!

"Now, please don't mess up the house. I'll come back at about seven."

"Seven? It's just a meeting! You'll take eight hours in one meeting?"

"I'll have to attend four meetings and after that I'll go shopping with Carol. Goodbye!" She says and leaves. Carol is an unknown person to me, but I just sigh and continue playing BattleField.

A few minutes later, after I got bored and went up to my room, the doorbell rings. "I'll get it!" Jake shouts. "No! I will!" I shout back and sprint to the door. "Ha! I beat you!" I say and stick out my tongue. He pouts and walks away.

As I opened the door, someone engulfs me in a hug. Well, engulfs my legs. It's Brent's sister, Lilah. I thought she'll let go, but after a short amount of time, I lose my balance and prepare myself for a face-plant on the porch.

But luckily, someone holds me to prevent the fall. And no, it isn't Austin. Don't want the story too clichéd. It was Brent.

But still, Lilah doesn't let go. "Lilah, I appreciate your affection towards me, but can you let go?" I ask in the sweetest voice. "I'm hugging you because I want Hershey's." She murmurs.

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