Chapter 8// National Whispers Day

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Chapter 8// National Whispers Day.

Every Monday starts with the same thing.

Me face-planting on the floor.

"Ow." I murmur under my breath as I get up and rub my nose.

Stupid Mondays.

I went to my wardrobe to pick out my outfit, and scanned everything. I finally settled down for a white shirt, a grey letterman jacket, black skinny jeans and grey converse- I have almost every color of those shoes. What can I do? They're my favorite.

After I put my hair in a high pony-tail, I grabbed my backpack and went downstairs. "Morning." I say, plopping myself in the kitchen table, not really aware of my surroundings.

But that...was a bad- and I repeat, a very bad mistake.

First, I sat on a Whoppee Cushion. But that wasn't all.

Mom came out of the kitchen with an irked expression and my breakfast. She slams the plate on the table (I was surprised it didn't break), and stomps to her room.

So something's wrong.

As for Jake, I heard a lot of commotion coming from his room. And grunts.

What a great way to start a Monday, I thought, Are you sure it isn't Tuesday today?

At least this is the last week.

I finish my breakfast and head to the door. I shout, "Goodbye!" Through the house, and I know no one will reply. What is wrong with everyone, I don't know.


I thought it was only mom and Jake, but it turns out to be the teachers, too. As for every living student in the school, wherever I walked, whispers filled the place. Except for Brent, Dan, Cam, and Austin.

"What is wrong with everyone today?" Brent asks as we walk to the cafeteria.

"Maybe it is the national whispers day..." I shrug, and open the doors of the cafeteria. Just as that happened, everyone's head whips to the door then whispers fill the place.

Oh great, I thought. Someone spread rumors.

"Who spread rumors this time?" I shout through the room. A hesitant, shy girl was pushed to the middle of the room by a student.

"Who did?" I repeat firmly. The girl stutters for an answer, looking really shy. "It's not me." She squeaks.

"I know it's not you. Who did?" I mutter.

She starts stuttering again, badly this time. As if that person threatened her not to say a word. Suddenly, a guy pops out of the crowd and shouts, "It was Jessica!".

Three words.

Only three words.

Those three words made me really angry that I was stomping down the hall, searching for that brat.

Where is she?

Since I get really impatient when I'm angry, I didn't even spend 2 whole minutes searching for her. I went straight back to the cafeteria. "Where is she?" I shout as I opened the doors.

Someone pushes her out of a small crowd. "You will regret this!" She shouts to that girl, not really noticing that I'm only 1 foot away. I grab Jessica by the collar of her crop-top. "You will be the one who'll regret this," I mutter.

"May I have the honor of hearing the rumors you spread?" I say in a sarcastic but sweet voice.

"I didn't say anything." She says in a tone that is unconvincing to me.

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