Chapter 11// Last Minute Events

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Chapter 11// Last Minute Events.

"Can you play tea party with me? Please?" Lillian asks, pouting.

I had a really hard time resisting that face. No one can ever pull that expert pout like a 4 year-old. "Okay, I'm playing." I blurt out. She grins and looks at Austin. His eyes widen for a moment, before sprinting out of the room. Lillian laughs wildly while running after Austin, who pretended to pant in the process of running as fast as a fast turtle.

"Tori, help me catch him!" She shouts.

Tori...who's Tori?

Oh, that's me.

It seriously is a bit weird when someone calls you by a name they chose five minutes ago. I sprang off the floor, and searched for Austin. Lillian was laughing so hard that her laughter was echoing through the whole house, which I thought was creepy.

Suddenly, someone picks me up while clamping my mouth shut. I start wriggling and squirming, hoping to get out of his grasp. But then I give up, since it didn't really work.

Freaking Austin. You had to be that strong.

"You're lighter than I thought." Austin exclaims and starts walking. I ignore his comment, while listing out ways of how to break free.

Lick his hand!

Lick his what now?

His hand!

No! Who knows, he might have STDs or something.

I ignore the thoughts when someone was dropped on my stomach.

He got Lillian too?!

"Stop squirming, Lilly. Riley will have tummy ache if you continue." Austin murmurs, still walking.

"Who's Riley?" Lillian asks.

Austin, your sister has Alzheimer.


"Ohh, sorry about that," She says, patting my shoulder. "Why are you putting your hand on her mouth?"

"You'll see." He shrugs, and finally, dropping us on something cushiony.

"Finally I can talk!" I gasp out, making Lillian giggle.

"You are the most irritating, annoying, intimidating-"

"That's why." Austin smiles.

"-stupid, idiotic, manipulative, son of a biii..." I pause a bit, realizing that there's a toddler who looks interested. "...biscuit, who looks like gross fungi and rotten eggs." I finish, proud of myself.

"Did you just swear at me?" He asks, trying not to laugh.

"Trust me, swearing in veggie language is better."

He falls on the floor, laughing like a mad man.

"Should I laugh?" Lilly asks.

"I don't think so." I mumble.

"Oh my god, that was hilarious!" Austin gasps out, after a round of hyena-like laughs.

"Hey Austin," I call out.


I clamp my hand over his mouth while putting my other arm around him. "Now we shall tea party."


"Would you like more tea?" Lilly asks sweetly, extending the tea pot.

"Yes, please." I give her my cup, as she pretends to pour in some tea.

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