Chapter 6// The Willow Tree

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Chapter 6// The Willow Tree.

It's Friday.

I'm literally smiling. Not smiling, actually, grinning like a fool in the bathroom's mirror. I got out, and went in my room to pick out my outfit. I put on an Iron Man tee, a jacket on top of it, skinny ripped jeans and red Converse. I put my hair into its trademark pony-tail, grabbed my phone and backpack, and went downstairs.

"Hey mom." I greet her as I sit down for breakfast.

"Hi sweetie, would you like some breakfast?" She asks.

"Why do you think I came down in the first place?" I ask sarcastically. She chuckles a bit and gives me a plate of pancakes.

After I finish it, I bid her goodbye and left.


Do you know that feeling you get when there's only five minutes left for hometime? I'm having it now. Times two.

4 minutes left, which means 240 seconds are left.

3 minutes left, 180 seconds left.

2 minutes, 120 seconds.

1 minute, 60 seconds.

And off goes the bell! Good news, I didn't get detention today. That's an improvement.

"Riley, I wanted to ask you something." Austin says, jogging to reach me.


"On Tuesday, there was a guy in your room and both of you were arguing. I saw it accidentally, so... who was the guy?" He asks.

"Someone you don't need to know." I shrug.

"Please tell me."




He pouts, and mumbles a 'please'.


"I'll do anything!"

"How about a deal? I tell you something about me, and you tell me something about you."

"Okay, but I have to show you something." He mutters, goes to the school's parking lot and motions for me to follow him. We stop at a black motorcycle.

I quickly text mom that I'm going to be late. She replies by a 'be back by dinner', and I put the phone back in my pocket.

"Don't go and say, 'I don't want to ride that death machine!'. We're riding it." He says.

"I'm not going to be like those cliché females. In fact, I love this thing!" I reply and go on the vehicle.

"Great!" He mocks, giving me a black helmet. I wear it, and he rides in front of me. He revs it and off we go.

It was a 20 minute drive, but I still have no idea where are we going.

And finally, we stop. All I could see was a forest. Austin takes my hand and walks through it like it's his house. We reach a small clearing with an oak tree. I thought this was the destination, but Austin still walks.

We pass two more clearings until we reach a tree with vines hanging down like curtains. Austin moves some and let's me pass first. "Such a gentleman." I mock. He rolls his eyes and sits under a willow tree. He looks totally normal, while I am speechless.

Under the willow tree there is a big group of white dandelions, four leafed clovers, and blue tulips. A weird combination if I have to say myself. And all three of those are my favorite plants. But Austin doesn't know about that. It's good to see that someone has the same taste in plants as me.

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