Percy x Reader (What the Hades happened to you!?)

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You are fighting a Fury and get injured while travelling to CHB. Sorry if it sucks, I've never written a fight scene before. Also, sorry, but you'll be quite short in this story, like 5'4.

Warnings: Blood, injury description, swearing (there may be more, I dunno).

Y/N's POV (Second Person)

The thing before you was absolutely terrifying. It had large scaly wings, long arms, sharp teeth and talons.

"What the fuck is that??" You screech. Of course, no one heard you, you were in the middle of the woods. Trees were the only thing for miles. The thing pounced on you, claws just grazing your left arm as you rolled out of the way. Blood made a little mist as it left your body, and while it was quite small, hurt like hell. You yelped, clutching the wound. You tried to run, but tripped on a tree root, flailing as you hit the floor. Your head crashed into a rock, and sent a large spike of pain through you skull. Fingers inching up to the wound, your head felt sticky. You inspected your fingers to discover a dark red liquid had stuck to them.

"Shit," you mumbled. The monster, with a large smile, crept towards you, hunching its back and flexing it's wings. It launched itself at you, landing with its feet on either sides of your legs and talons digging into your sides. A scream echoed through the woods, and it took you a second it realise it came from you. The pain was unbearable, a burning fire inside your body. The monster was about to go for the final blow, when a blurry shape slammed into it, emitting a bronze-gold glow. A boy, probably about 17-18, with jet black hair and sea-green eyes stood above you, facing the monster. He had on a bright orange shirt and skinny jeans with holes in them, and he held a 3-foot bronze sword with a double-edged blade. His eyes were filled with anger, from what you don't know. He turned, facing you, and immediately looked shocked and concerned.

"What the hades happened to you!?" He exclaimed, crouching down to look at your wounds. "These are deep, you need help." He started mumbling something about 'Apollo' and 'Will' and 'Chiron'.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING? WHO ARE YOU?" You cried out, trying to scurry away, but failing miserably. He pinned down your shoulders and looked at you with pleading eyes.

"My name is Percy Jackson. That," he said, pointing to the monster, "is called a Fury. It wants to kill you. Please, just stay here and keep quiet. I'll be back in a minute," and with that, this so called Percy ran off to continue fighting the monster. No, Fury. It was incredible. He dodged and swiped, leaping around so fast he was a blur. Finally, Percy stabbed the Fury in the neck from behind. It let out an anguished cry and dissolved into dust. Percy was breathing heavily, staring at the spot the Fury had just been. Shocked and frightened, black spots appeared over your vision. Then all you could see was darkness.

Percy's POV (First Person)

I had just fought another Fury. You'd think this gets easier, but it's still a bit unsettling seeing a monster explode into dust. Then I remembered I had a spectator. I quickly turned and walked over to the newbie. She was passed out, still pale and bleeding. I had to tear off my shirt to use as a bandage, cold air bristling past my chest. I picked her up bridal-style and carried her over the boundary line, into Camp Half-Blood.

"I NEED A MEDIC OVER HERE!" I yelled to the Apollo kids. Will Solace, a blonde-haired boy with tanned skin and blue eyes, looked up. He sprinted over, shouting orders at the kids behind him. They scattered, likely getting bandages and nectar. I was covered in the newbie's blood, so I understood their urgency.

"Gods, Percy, what happened?" Will questioned as he arrived, taking her from my arms and jogging to the infirmary.

"Alecto. I think she was coming to camp when she got attacked. It scraped her arm and cut her sides. Real deep, too," I said hurriedly, jogging beside him. The infirmary was already prepared, with bandages, nectar and ambrosia beside a pristine white bed. Will laid down the girl, her h/l, h/c hair fanning out around her head. Her once s/t skin was pale as a ghost from the blood-loss, and stained with red. Will started inspecting the wounds, lifting her shirt to reveal them. They were worse that I initially thought. The cuts were messy and jagged, scabbing around the edges. It was a gruesome sight, but I had to make sure she was okay. Besides, I've been worse. Apparently she had cut her head too, because some of her hair was sticky and slightly red.

"She'll be fine," Will said, practically reading my mind. "Most likely took a blow to the head, resulting in a concussion. Some bandages and nectar and she'll be good as new. May need some bedrest too though. What's her name?" He asked, looking up at me.

"Sorry, I forgot to ask. Needed to make sure she got to camp alive first." Will chuckled, and got to work while I stood behind him, arms crossed, and quite worried, but gods, was she beautiful. She looked peaceful, eyes closed and lips parted softly. I just hoped she felt better than she looked.

Y/N's POV (Second Person)

Everything hurt. Your legs, arms, torso, but especially your head. You opened your eyes slowly, adjusting to the new light. It turned out that there was a black-haired boy, Percy, you remembered, sleeping on my bed. His head was resting head on the mattress, and his hand was in yours, warming your cold, fingers. You tried to lift your head to see where you were and immediately groaned. Percy's head shot up, eyes filled with worry. His sea-green eyes were looking into your e/c ones, but the worry shifted to relief when he saw you. They then turned a bit sheepish as he realised his hand was still in yours

"Finally awake are we?" He joked, his laugh filling the room.

"Hey, you were asleep too. But at least I had a reason," you retorted, trying to shift into a more comfortable position. Pain flared up your body, and you winced, immediately regretting it.

"Hey, no moving. You've taken some pretty painful injuries," Percy scolded you, gently pushing you back. A tall, blonde walked in, looking quite pleased with himself.

"How's the patient doing?" He asked Percy.

"She's fine," he looked at you. "This is Will Solace. He got you fixed up. Will, this is..." He trailed off, realising once again, that he didn't know your name.

"Oh, uh, Y/N. Y/N L/N," you said quickly. "I would shake your hand, but my arms hurt like shit at the moment."

"All good," he chuckled. "Should we get her to meet Chiron?" He asked Percy.

A/N I just realised how long this is getting, so I'ma wrap it up.

"Sure, go get him. I'll stay with Y/N," Percy replied, turning back to you. Will left, and then Percy did something VERY unexpected. He pressed his lips against yours. You squeaked, then closed your eyes and melting into the kiss. His lips were warm and gentle, pressing against yours softly. Then he pulled away, startled at what he just did. Then he just got up and left.

Edit: Oh gods I'm so sorry for that ending it so cringy 💀 If I edit it it deletes the comments though.😭

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