Nico x Reader (I feel like shit)

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Fluffy sickness. My friend helped me write this one too <3

Warnings: Swearing

Y/N's POV (Second Person)

You bounced around your kitchen. Exams were over and you and your amazing boyfriend, Nico, could go back to Camp Half-Blood in a week. So you were in a pretty good mood. You were making pancakes and coffee when a disgruntled Nico walked in. His nose was pink, and his pale face had a waxy sheen with a high flush on his cheeks.

"You okay?" You asked instantly, voice laced with concern.

"I feel like shit."

"Mhm," you hummed, walking over to him. "Well lucky your dating someone who just finished a doctor's degree." You smiled at him. "So can you tell me how you feel so I can get you some medicine?"

"I told you, like shit."

"Haha, very funny," you said sarcastically. You pecked him on the nose and interlocked your fingers.

"Let's see then. I'm fucking freezing when it's 27° degrees (Celsius), my head is pounding, my throat is sandpaper and I'm ridiculously nauseous," Nico grumbled.

You walked over to the cabinet and pulled a Hydrolyte and some ambrosia, and you handed it to Nico. This time you kiss him long and hard on the lips. 

"Careful, you'll get sick too," he croaked.

"You think I care?" You say, leaning forward and kissing him again. "C'mon, let's watch Scream," you pleaded. Horror was your least favourite genre of movie, but Nico knew that and forced you to watch it when he could.

"Mmm, okay!"

"Thank you." You pull him onto the couch. "Now, I made pancakes. Movie marathon time?" 

"Still doesn't make me stop feeling like shit." You reply to Nico with a chuckle.

"Never change, Nico, never change."

You guys spent the rest of the day laughing and watching horror movies while eating junk food. Around three, you started to feel a bit nauseous. 

"I think I caught your cold, gods dammit." Nico just grinned at you.

"I told you so," he replied. "Here," he handed you a piece of ambrosia.

"I guess I get to pick the movie now," you said, smiling evilly.

"I suppose... wait- no romcoms, PLEASE," Nico pleaded. 

"Let me give you nightmares, Nico di Angelo," you croaked.

"What do you have in mind..." he said nervously.

"Pitch fucking Perfect."


"Yes Nico. I love Pitch Perfect and you cannot stop the Anna Kendrick fangirls," you smirked.

"You, Y/N, are evil," Nico groaned.

"I know." You pecked him on the neck and settled in for some acapella.

PJO/HoO x Reader Sickfics/HurtficsWhere stories live. Discover now