Frank x Reader (AmaZhang!)

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Short and sweet one today. You're on the Argo II.



"Hey, birthday girl!" Frank said softly, entering your room with a tray in his hands. It was the (your birthdate) today, and, as stated, your birthday! You were in bed, reading a book called 'Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire' (Sorry if you don't like HP, its the first thing I thought of). You set it down next to you, gasping quietly and smiling when you looked up.

"Frank, you didn't have to do this!" He'd made you a platter of poached eggs, bacon, toast, and pancakes! "Why are they blue..?" You asked, pointing at the pancakes. Frank laughed, and rubbed a hand to the back of his neck. 

"I was making the batter when Percy walked in," he explained. "He insisted I made them blue. Thank gods I'd already put the eggs in the pan, and bread in the toaster."

"Ah," you laughed as well, "I can see that happening. But thank you so much!"

Frank sat down next to you on the bed, kissing the top of your head. "Anything for the birthday girl."

You smiled, and dug into the breakfast. You started off with the eggs on toast, cutting off a slice so it fit in your mouth. When the egg hit your tongue, it was like a bomb of taste went off. They were delicious!

"Mmmm," you hummed. "Frank, these are amaZhang!"

Frank froze at your words, and turned beet red. Then he quickly got up and walked away. 

"Frank? Wh- What did I do?" You asked nervously. You felt terrible, had you upset him from saying amaZhang? You didn't mean it as an insult... Buuuuuuuut, these eggs were too good to ignore! You quickly finished them (as well as the blue pancakes) just as Frank entered again. You barely had enough time to set the tray down next to you before Frank engulfed you in a tight bear (not literally) hug.

"Frank?" You asked tentatively. "You alright?" He withdrew from your hug, smiling brighter than you'd ever seen him.

"I'm so sorry, but when you said amaZhang... My heart basically burst from happiness!" He exclaimed excitedly.

"But why did you run out?" You questioned him.

"I had to tell Hazel. I didn't know how to react. I'm sorry, Y/N," he apologised.

"Well, now you've explained, I feel much less guilty!" You chuckled. "I'm going to use that a lot more often now."

"Please, do," Frank smiled.

Love you besties!

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