Will x Reader (Stop worrying)

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Hey my lovelies! This one was requested by one of my friends, who has asked to stay nameless.

Y/N's POV (Second Person)

Will has been... off lately. He's usually just a glowing (not literally) ball of happiness, but recently he's been forgetful, clumsy, and just all together out of it. You get it, sometimes you have bad days, but not bad weeks

"Hey Will?" You called into the infirmary. You were standing in the doorway to the infirmary, as you'd had enough with Will's weird behaviour.

"Mhm?" You heard a certain blonde-haired blue-eyed son of Apollo hum back.

"Can I come in?" You asked hesitantly.

"Mm," Will mumbled back. You walked inside slowly, observing Will's features. His eyes were sunken and had large bags under them, and he looked pale and sickly. He was hunched over a desk in the corner of the room, filling out papers about the last patient he'd treated. His head was resting on his hand, his once fluffy hair limp and dull.

"Hey, you okay? You don't look it," you said softly, cautiously walking over. You'd learnt from Piper when you on the Argo II (Just pretend you were there and that Piper got sick) that people can get defensive when their sick. "Come outside, get some fresh air."

"Mmmm-kay," Will groaned, standing and cracking his back. You reached out your hand and entwined your fingers with his, leading him out the door. You sat Will down on the steps of the infirmary, and he took a few deep breaths, closing his eyes and basking in the sunshine. 

"You wanna tell me what's going on?" You asked gently.

"Nothing's going on, I'm fine," he responded bluntly.

"Will, there is most definitely something going on. You're camp's best doctor, you should know that hiding injuries or illness makes them worse," you snapped.

"Y/N, I promise I'm okay. Stop worrying," Will turned to you and opened his eyes. They weren't as bright as they usually were, even in the summer sunshine.

"Fine, fine. If you're going to be difficult, I'll get Kayla. She'll tell me what's wrong." You stood up to go find said girl, but Will grabbed your hand and guided you back down onto the stone.

"Okay, I'll tell you, gods. No big deal, but I have the flu. I didn't want to worry you..." Will trailed off.

"Will... I'm always going to worry about you. But why didn't you tell me or Chiron? You know that you need rest when you have the flu."

"I told you, it's no big deal. It's only mild," Will said.

"Only mild my ass. I'm taking you back to the Apollo cabin and I want you to go to sleep, no complaining," You scoffed, half dragging Will up by his arm. You slung your arm over Will's shoulder, and guided him to the Apollo cabin.

"Kayla! Tag in for Will at the infirmary!" You yelled to the archery range, seeing the girl with green-tipped hair pass her bow and arrow to her brother, Austin, and give you a thumbs up.

As you entered cabin 7, Will's knees gave out. You only just managed to grab his torso before his nose met the floor. Half carrying half dragging the boy's body, you hoisted him into his bunk. 

"Gods, Will, you really should have told someone!" You scolded him.

"I'm all good, let me get back to work," he tried to stand, but you pushed him back to the covers gently, sitting down beside his weak body.

"No. You're going to stay here and rest, willingly or not," you said, trying to sound commanding.

"But what about the infirmary?" Will asked.

"I got Kayla to man it. Did you seriously not hear me yell to the archery range on the way here?"

"No..." Will muttered.

"Wow, you were really out of it," you laughed. "Go on, get some sleep. I'll be here when you wake up."

"Fine, just a quick nap..." As he finished the sentence, he was out like a light. You laughed quietly, and leant down to plant a kiss on Will's forehead.

"Night bub, have a good sleep."

PJO/HoO x Reader Sickfics/HurtficsWhere stories live. Discover now