Nico x Reader (Ironic, isn't it?)

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I just wanted to use Nico's famous line. BTW You're a child of Zeus, I need his fancy zappy-zappy powers. Hope you enjoy!

Warning: Swearing

Y/N's POV (second person)

You were surrounded on all sides. Cyclopes to your left, Alecto and Tisiphone on your right (Two of the Furies), a chimaera in front of you and basilisks behind. You were trapped.

"Uhhh, guys! A little help here!" You called helplessly. Leo and Jason were stuck on a dracaena and Megaera (The last Fury), Piper was fighting another cyclopes, Hazel and Frank were on the Minotaur, and Nico was trying to get Annabeth and Percy out from under a broken wall. 

"I got FUCKING EVERYTHING!" You screeched. You were spinning in circles, brandishing your w/o/c, trying to intimidate the monsters. They slowly started advancing. Shit balls, you thought to yourself. "Guess I'm going to die today."

One last idea popped into your head. You were probably still going to die, yes, but you could save everyone else in the process. 

"Gods, save me, please?" You whispered to the heavens, taking a deep breath. You could feel the electricity flooding through your veins, crackling in spirals around your arms and legs. Thunder howled overhead. The energy coursed throughout your body, and soon enough it exploded outwards. You made sure it missed all your friends, but hit all the monsters. They went down one by one. First the Furies, then the cyclopes, chimaera, basilisks, and finally the minotaur.

As the electricity left your limbs, your arms and legs felt like lead. You slumped to the floor, your friends rushing to your aid.

"Y/N, that was amazing!" Jason laughed. "Even I can't do that."

"Good job, Ghost Queen," Leo joked. Since you were dating, Leo called you and Nico Ghost King and Queen.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Nico's worried tone sliced through your brain.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fone," you waved it off.

"Oh, well as long as you're fone," Nico scolded. He laid you down in his lap, looking into your e/c eyes intently.

"Well, as a wise man once said, 'With great power comes great need to take a nap'." With that comment, you tumbled into darkness.

Back on the Argo II

"Welcome back to reality, Y/N," said a timid voice. It belonged to the one and only Nico di Angelo, who's scarred, pale hand held yours.

"How long was I out?" You croaked, opening your eyes to look at your boyfriend.

"A few days. Jason never left your side." You smiled, imagining your (technically) half-brother sitting beside you while talking to Piper or reading a book.

"You used my line."

"I know. Ironic, isn't it?" You laughed.

"I said that so long ago. I can't believe you remembered it," Nico said wistfully, thinking back to when he was a mere 13 years old. Well, technically he was something like 103, but let's skip past that, shall we?

"Of course I did. It was iconic," you laughed. "I love you too much to forget." Nico smiled, a real smile, when you said that.

"How did I manage to get you?" He asked quietly, pressing his forehead to yours.

"Well, I'm your Ghost Queen."

"And I'm your Ghost King."

"Together forever," you both said.

Gods this ending is bad 💀💀 It's 12:30 in the morning, okay?

Love you all! Don't be afraid to comment and/or vote! Seeing notifications for my story makes my day. <3

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